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One solution, many possibilities

GitLab is a complete DevSecOps platform that optimizes the software development process by shifting the entire cycle into one tool.

It helps teams significantly reduce the time and costs at each stage of the project implementation, improving efficiency and productivity. The platform provides greater control over code and application security.

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Clients confirming the quality of GitLab

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Check what you can gain
by implementing the GitLab platform

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Cost savings

The multi-functional application is cheaper to maintain than licenses and multi-tool support. GitLab has all the necessary functions and many features at a lower price.

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A comprehensive toolset

By choosing GitLab, you get a tool that will allow you to manage DevOps processes at all stages of software development.

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The administration of the GitLab platform itself doesn’t require integration and creating complex toolchains at the beginning of work.

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Projects created in GitLab are additionally protected thanks to dedicated mechanisms that strengthen security and code quality control.

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Thanks to regular improvements, GitLab meets the needs of even the most innovative and ambitious projects.

Ikona kodowanie


The platform will allow your team to adapt it to the project’s needs, even at the source code level.


You can do it with GitLab

GitLab umożliwia automatyzację wielu procesów, co przekłada się na wyższą wydajność i szybsze dostarczanie oprogramowania. Automatyzacji można dokonywać np. za pomocą metod typu infrastruktura jako kod.

Ensure high software quality

GitLab allows for automatic testing and reporting. You can easily automate and optimize builds, integration, and code verification thanks to this solution.

Dzięki zarządzaniu kodem źródłowym oraz automatycznym pipeline'om CI/CD możesz zwiekszyć tempo pracy i uzyskiwania informacji zwrotnej z tym związanej. 

Manage packages

Speed ​​up your DevOps processes using source code management and automated CI/CD pipelines.

Możesz zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo Twojego serwera GitLab, możesz wprowadzić integrację cykl życia Twojego oprogramowania z narzędziami do statycznego i dynamicznego testowania bezpieczeństwa aplikacji oraz skanerem obrazów kontenera i kontroli zależności. 

Secure your software

Integrate your software lifecycle with Static & Dynamic Application Security Testing as well as Container & Dependency Scanning.

  • Ensure high software quality

    GitLab allows for automatic testing and reporting. You can easily automate and optimize builds, integration, and code verification thanks to this solution.

  • Manage packages

    Speed ​​up your DevOps processes using source code management and automated CI/CD pipelines.

  • Secure your software

    Integrate your software lifecycle with Static & Dynamic Application Security Testing as well as Container & Dependency Scanning.

GitLab integrates with the most popular tools


and many more!

Try GitLab

Ask for trial version!


Any problems? Help is here!

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Our team of specialists will support the optimization and implementation of the GitLab platform in your company.
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With the help of our experts, you can safely transfer your processes and projects to the GitLab platform.
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Experienced specialists will take care of the administration and maintenance of the GitLab platform.
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We’ll prepare your team to work with the platform on their own, so that you all can make the most of it.

Case Studies

Check how GitLab changed the work of our clients

See how life-changing may be the GitLab implementation. With Deviniti specialists, everything will go quickly and smoothly!

  • MGA page showing which type of programming tools theh use, eg.,GitLab


    Projects create up to 5 times faster!

    MGA is a company that has been present on the market for over 20 years. It offers the outsourcing of HR and payroll services, as well as, software development and maintenance. The team was looking for a solution that would allow for streamlining work and trouble-free CI/CD deployment. Specialists from the MGA also wanted to systematize the accumulated knowledge and facilitate access to it. GitLab came to the rescue. Thanks to specialists from Deviniti implementation was quickly and efficiently implemented without interfering with the company’s daily duties. With the platform support, development teams began to work more efficiently, software reached a new, better quality, and developers became experts in the field of CI/CD. In addition, all the materials have been gathered in one place – the knowledge base, which helps both in everyday work, and foremost during the onboarding process.


Our customer stories

MGA logo

GitLab completely changed the way we make our projects now. We discovered GitLab offers a lot more and we started to play with the things and we liked it. Working with Deviniti has been awesome and I would recommend working with them.

Jakub Tadeja
Senior IT Administrator
Volkswagen Financial Services logo

Deviniti Corp. delivered successfully, and the client now has more control of their processes. The project management was efficient, and the communicative team was open to using modern tools. The team’s professionalism was the centerpiece of their engagement.

Mirosław Radziszewski
BI Developer

More about GitLab

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Visit our blog, where we share our experience that will help you achieve the best results.
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See how easily you can create entirely automated and modern pipeline using Gitlab version control
See the video


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Radosław Kosiec

Partner Products Director

Our consultant is at your disposal from 9 AM to 5 PM CET working days from Monday to Friday for any additional questions.