Apps documentation
Assignment Rules for Jira
Assignment Rules for Jira
Release notes
Last updated Jun 14, 2021

Use Cases

Discover the common use cases for Assignment Rules

Support teams

  • Support teams can create the rules so that everybody gets an equal share of support tickets to handle.
  • Support tickets can then go to developers who also handle them in a predefined order.

Dev teams

  • Dev teams can create a ‘Reviewers’ field which would be automated and updated every time an issue changes its status to ‘Code review’.
  • With JQL restriction feature, a field can be updated after a certain period of time. For example, if an issue stays ‘In review’ for more than 2 days, a ‘Support reviewer’ field would be updated.


  • When there’s a group of approvers assigned to a certain project, they can get an equal portion of issues to approve and avoid assigning all the issues to only one person.
  • You can create a rule, where the approvers are assigned to pull requests in an organised fashion.


  • Managers can use Assignment Rules to get assigned to an equal number of issues.
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