Select the custom field that should be updated. Supported Jira custom fields:
Text field (single-line)
Text field (multi-line)
Text field (read-only)
User picker (single user)
User picker (multiple users)
Select List (single choice)
Below, you’ll find which Azure AD attributes can be copied to the Select List (single choice) custom field:
Business phone
Company name
Display name
Employee ID
First name
Job title
Last name
Mobile phone
Office location
Street address
Additional information:
Only one attribute can be used with the Select List (single choice) custom field. After selecting an attribute, you’ll see a notification One option allowed for this field type, and you won’t be able to select another attribute.
If you choose the Select List (single choice) custom field, a toggle will appear. When enabled, each individual post function configuration will add one option to the single select list (if it doesn’t already exist on the list) based on the chosen attribute’s value from Azure AD.
Azure AD Attributes for Jira - Updating Azure AD data in the workflow: Adding attributes to single select field type
Click Add.
Azure AD Attributes for Jira - Updating Azure AD data in the workflow: Configure post function
Click Publish Draft.
Note that the post function configuration details are visible on the post functions list.
Azure AD Attributes for Jira - Updating Azure AD data in the workflow: Publish draft
You can select multiple attributes for Text Field (single line) and Text Field (multi line), User Picker (multiple users), and Text Field (read only) but only one attribute for a User Picker (single user).
Remember to always add the custom field to both the Create issue and the Edit issue screen. Otherwise, the synchronization won’t work.
Post functions activate during an issue status change, so to trigger the Copy data post function, change the status of a task according to your post function configuration.
When multiple attributes are copied to the Text Field (single-line), Text Field (multi line), or Text Field (read only), they’ll be displayed separated by a semicolon.
However, if the total character count exceeds 255 for the Text Field (single-line) and Text Field (read only) and 32767 for the Text Field (multi line), then any additional attributes beyond that count won’t be displayed.
Quick Guide
Click through the live demo to see how to set up the post function.
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