Learn how to match users between Jira and Azure Active Directory
Choose the attributes that will help identify the correlation between Jira and Active Directory users. This configuration will be used whenever information from Azure Active Directory needs to be shown in both Jira Software or Jira Service Management.
To display Azure Active Directory data for a Jira user, the value of their selected Jira field needs to be the same as the value of their selected Azure Active Directory attribute. A match is created, and data from their Azure Active Directory account is displayed in Jira.
You can select the following Jira fields:
You can select the following Azure Active Directory attributes:
To match a user’s Jira email with their Azure Active Directory other email:
The user’s Jira email is set as Azure Other emails attribute.
During matching of a Jira field with Azure Active Directory Full name, the Jira field value is split into two strings at the first space. Then, the fist string is compared with Azure Active Directory First name, and the second string is compared with Azure Active Directory Last name. To create a match, both strings need to be the same as their respective Azure Active Directory attributes.
To configure matching of users:
In Jira, navigate to Jira settings > Apps.
You can also access the app through the main navigation bar by following: Apps > Azure AD Attributes Sync.
In the Azure AD Attributes section, click Connect with Azure AD.
Go to the Match users tab.
Select Jira attribute.
Select an Azure AD attribute that you want to compare with the selected Jira attribute during matching.
(Optional) Enable the toggle to prioritize the desired Jira account type for matching.
If an Azure AD user can be matched to multiple Jira account types, you can select which account type to use for matching users. If you don’t enable this option, the app randomly chooses the first matching account type. You can prioritize either the Atlassian account or the Customer account (JSM).
During matching, the selected Jira attribute of a user will be compared with the selected Azure Active Directory attribute. If they are the same, a match will be created and the user’s Azure Active Directory data will be displayed in Jira.
You can check if a specific Azure Active Directory attribute value is assigned to any users in Azure Active Directory.
In the Test user matching section, type in a value of the Azure Active Directory attribute configured in Set matching of users.
Choose Azure AD user attributes you want to check.
The app establishes the connection between Jira users and Azure AD users based on the attributes you selected in the Match users section.
The connection between Azure AD and Jira is created once, during the first data synchronization. It doesn’t repeat during subsequent syncs because the app uses the stored user associations to populate user’s personal data from Azure AD to Jira.
The Refresh User Associations button clears the stored connections between the users. The connections are then re-established when a data synchronization is triggered.
Read the example below to better understand when to use this feature.
An employee is hired by an outsourcing company. Their email address in Azure AD reflects the outsourcing company’s name. After the employee transitions to a permanent role within the client company, their email address changes to a format that doesn’t include the outsourcing company’s name. Clicking the Refresh User Associations button clears the outdated association between Azure AD and Jira, allowing the system to establish a fresh link with the current email address ensuring that it continues to match with the same Azure AD user.
Refreshing User Associations is also necessary if you change the directory itself.
To refresh user associations:
The stored associations between the users are now cleared. The connections will be reestablished when the next data synchronization is triggered.
In the next chapter, you’ll find out about Azure Active Directory permissions necessary for the Azure AD Attributes Sync for Jira app to successfully work.
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