Apps documentation
Issue Templates for Jira
Cloud Server/Data Center
Issue Templates for Jira


Server/Data Center

Release notes
Articles & Videos
Last updated Aug 21, 2024

Create from template

This chapter provides information about Create from template feature.

Create from template dialog

Try live demo below:


  1. Click Apps dropdown, in the Jira Cloud’s main navigation bar.

    Issue Templates for Jira Cloud: Create from template dialog
    Create from template dialog

  2. A dialog box appears, select:

  • Project - it can’t be the Templates repository project.
  • Issue type for the new issue created from a template
  • Template source
  • Template name
Issue Templates for Jira Cloud: Create from template dialog
Create from template dialog
  1. Click Next and go to the next step.

  2. Fill the fields that are configured in your template.

    Issue Templates for Jira Cloud: Create from template dialog
    Create from template dialog
    Issue Templates for Jira Cloud: Create from template dialog
    Create from template dialog

  3. Click Create, applying template will continue and other issues (including sub-tasks, links) will be generated based on your template data.

You can monitor the progress of applying template in Report dialog. Close the report to let the process run in the background.

Write user stories
Create from template view


When a template is used the order of actions is as follows:

  1. Required fields are copied upon create action.
  2. Other fields from template’s scope are filled upon update. At this point, the change is atomic meaning that all fields are updated at once

Create from template view

Link that opens Create from template view can be found in the project sidebar of every project (besides Template Repository). This feature works exactly the same as Create from template dialog.
Issue Templates for Jira Cloud: Create from template dialog
Create from template dialog

You can monitor the progress of applying template in Report dialog. Close the report to let the process run in the background.

Request types
Create from template dialog


To select which user groups can use Create from Template follow instructions in the Global configuration chapter.

Match issue types

This chapter provides information on how issue types are matched.

Which issue type will be used to create issue from my template?

For primary template it will be the issue type you explicitly selected, e.g. issue type selected in Create dialog.

For secondary templates, we will choose the best matching issue type from the target project.

Issue types matching steps

There are three steps, used by the Issue Templates for Jira app, to match issue type from template with issue that will be created from it:

  • By ID - app picks an issue type in the target project with the same ID as set in template. If there’s no match, then it looks:
  • By name - useful for team-managed projects, where issue types are local and always have different ID as against other projects
  • By type - useful for subtasks; if there’s no match in previous steps, then the ITC app picks the first found subtask type from the target project