This page provides information how to manage your templates.
You can manage your templates at any time. Simply navigate to Templates Repository > Project settings > Issue Templates and open Manage templates tab.
If you want to reconfigure a template, click the pencil icon. The configuration dialog opens up.
You can change following data:
a. in General tab:
b. in Availability tab:
You can clone a template easily by clicking the Clone icon. This feature creates an exact copy of this template and its structure in the same repository. It will also copy variables, scope and availability settings.
Once you click the Clone button, you can select one of the following options:
You can delete a template by clicking the trash icon. If you want to completely remove the template you need to delete the original issue that served as a template. Options from the Template select field will be cleared in every issue created from that template.
If you suspect that you might need this template in the future you can simply disable it to preserve it instead of deleting it. See the section below for details.
If you don’t use the template anymore, you can switch it off. This operation is reversible and does not delete values in issues already created from that template.
There are two ways to disable the template:
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