App page
Issue Templates for Jira
Cloud Server/Data Center
Issue Templates for Jira


Server/Data Center

Release notes
Migration to Cloud
Last updated Apr 17, 2024


This chapter provides information about template repository.

Template repository is a project that stores your templates. You can either create a separate project for your templates or use one of your existing projects to store them. You can have some issues in your regular Jira project turned into templates just for your team.

Adding a new repository

Adding a new global repository requires Jira admin permissions. You can enable your project as a local repository as a project admin, see Local repository for details.
  1. Navigate to Project Settings > Apps > Issue Templates.
  2. Click Add new repository.
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
  3. Select a project or projects from the list.
  4. Click Set availability.
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
  5. Select either global or local repository type.
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository


Your project has been added to the repository list.

Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
Issue Templates for Jira - Repository


You can change availability later.

Global repository

Setting a global repository requires Jira admin permissions.

Any project can become a template repository. You can share your templates from a project you work in globally, create a new, separate project for templates, or use templates from multiple repositories.

Global templates can be used by anyone within your Jira instance (unless specified otherwise in visibility rules - also requires Browse project permission) for multiple projects.

Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
Issue Templates for Jira - Repository


Your project has now become a global repository and templates stored in the project can be shared between multiple projects.

Local repository

You can have templates enabled just for your project. This project will serve as a local repository and templates created in it won’t be shared between other projects.

Enabling template creation for your project


If you enable your template as a repository issues that you turn into templates will affect your reports.

You should exclude such issues from your reports. You can use JQL - issue TemplateEnabled is Empty OR issueTemplateEnabled = “false”.

See JQL searchers for details. .

  1. Navigate to Project Settings > Apps > Issue Templates

  2. In the General Settings tab enable the toggle - turn the selected project into a template repository and add it to the list in global settings.

    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository

  3. Set appropriate Permissions whether you want every user of your project to be able to use templates or only selected project roles of your choice.

  4. Navigate to the Template settings tab and choose whether you want to enable issues as templates manually or automatically for every newly created issue. To avoid creating templates uncontrollably the automatic option is disabled by default. Contact your administrator if you want to have templates enabled automatically.

    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository


See Template configuration for details on configuring and enabling a template. If you can’t enable or edit a template contact your administrator to adjust Visibility.


You can now use Create from template based on the enabled templates in this project.

Changing repository Global <-> Local

Turning a project into a global repository


Before you start, make sure your project is enabled as a template repository, otherwise it won’t appear on the list. You can activate it directly in project configuration or use the Add new repository button.

  1. Go to the Repository tab in Global configuration.
  2. Click the Three dots menu next to your project.
  3. Click Change to global availability.
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository
    Issue Templates for Jira - Repository

The process is the same if you want to switch a project from global to local. You just select a global project and change the availability to local.


Changing availability from global to local is a severe change, users working with this repository might lose access to their templates. This change will clear template availability settings and restore default availability. The templates will be only available locally in this project.