Apps documentation
Issue Sync Pro
Issue Sync Pro
Release notes
Last updated Sep 25, 2024

Field options mapping

Learn how to map options of the fields with defined values, such as Select Lists, Radio Buttons and User Pickers.

By default, field options are being synchronized only when they match its other values exactly (the value of each synchronized field is the same).

This behavior may be overwritten by setting exceptions to this particular rule.


Keep in mind, that setting exceptions to field options is supported in fields of types listed below:

  • Radio Button
  • Select List (single choice)
  • Priority
  • User picker (single user)
  • Group Picker (single group)
  • Customer Request Type Custom Field

Fields of single choice type can be synchronized with each other, regardless of their type. For example, fields of Select list (single choice) type can be synchronized with Radio button fields


When creating a new mapping:

  1. See Mapping to learn how to create a new mapping.
  2. During mapping creation in the Fields section, expand the panel on the field of the Radio Button, Select List (single choice) or Priority type.
  3. Click the Set exceptions to this rule toggle.
  4. Choose field options to be mapped.
  5. Optionally: Click + Add to add a new exception.
  6. Click Create.
    Issue Sync Pro
    Issue Sync Pro


Field options are configured and mapping is created. Now selecting a particular option in project A will result in substituting selected option in project B.


When editing an already existing mapping:

  1. See Editing mapping to learn how to edit an existing mapping.
  2. During mapping creation in the Fields section, expand the panel on the field of the Radio Button, Select List (single choice) or Priority type.
  3. Click the Set exceptions to this rule toggle.
  4. Choose field options to be mapped.
  5. Optionally: Click + Add to add a new exception.
  6. Click Save changes.
    Issue Sync Pro
    Issue Sync Pro


Field options are configured and changes are saved.

Any value

For Select list (single choice), User picker (single user), Group picker (single group), Customer Request Type Custom Field and Priority fields, you can map the Any value option:

Issue Sync Pro
Issue Sync Pro

Any value is treated as any option entered by user, or a field with a predefined value.

It behaves based on the direction of the synchronization:

One-way sync:

  • “Any value” can be selected only once for the left side (you cannot create a mapping in which particular value is being mapped to any value)
  • After selecting “Any value” on the left side, you can select value of your liking on the right side, however if you choose to add another exception, chosen value will be selectable only on the left side
  • If you set “Any value” in one-way sync, you will be prompted to remove this option before changing the sync direction
  • Each value (including “Any value”) will overwrite the default value in Jira

Two-way sync:

  • “Any value” can be selected only once for each side
  • After selecting “Any value” on the outgoing side, you can select value of your liking on the incoming side, however if you choose to add another exception, chosen value won’t be selectable anymore
  • If you set “Any value” in two-way sync, you will be prompted to remove this option before changing the sync direction
  • Each value (including “Any value”) will overwrite the default value in Jira

During mapping configuration, you can map “Any value” in the Priority field option. This will lead to synchronization of any value of the Priority field on the left side, to a particular value provided on the right side.

Issue Sync Pro
Issue Sync Pro

In that case, creating an issue on your Jira with any value in Priority field will result in creating an issue on your partner Jira with the Highest priority

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