Apps documentation
Issue SYNC for Jira Cloud
Issue SYNC for Jira Cloud
Architecture & Versions
Migration path
Last updated Nov 1, 2020

How to configure synchronization

Each contract describes what and how will be synchronized.

Contracts tab view consists of components. Each component is dedicated for one connection, it consists of contracts, belonging to it.

When you want to create new contact, you need to click “Add new contract” and then fill the contract name field. Created contract will be in “Not active” state. To change the contract state, you need to enable it by clicking “Enable” link.

If you want see the complex view of the contract, you need to click on the contract name. Then you will be moved to the contract configuration view.

This view consists of two sections - Outgoing Configurations and Incoming Configurations.

In sync scheme/contract details you have to set remote sync scheme/contract. Remote and local sync scheme/contract will be linked with each other.

Outgoing configuration

The outgoing configuration tab describes sets of synchronization rules about what and how will be sent from local Jira to remote Jira.

This tab consists of three main parts:

Create/Update triggers: this section is responsible for selecting the scheme for issues you want to synchronize. Each trigger/scheme contains of Name, Project and Issue Type. All issues matching form the selected project and matching selected issue type will be consumed by IssueSYNC (and if Default Trigger Config has proper events set then send to remote JIRA instance). All created triggers have one configuration which is defined in “Default Trigger Config” component.

Default Trigger Config: in this section, you can define default behavior for all triggers

  • On which Jira event trigger create: select Jira events on which you want to create issue action in remote Jira (example: ISSUE_CREATED fires when the issue has been created -> then remote Jira will create the corresponding issue)
  • On which Jira event trigger update: select Jira events on which you want to update issue action in remote Jira (example: ISSUE_UPDATED fires when something has been changed in issue -> then remote Jira will update the corresponding issue)

Comments synchronization: configuration for outgoing comments

  • Synchronize comments: if enabled comments added on the issue will be synchronized on the remote issue, note that only the comment create event is synchronized, updates and deletes are not supported
  • Synchronize existing comments: if enabled IssueSYNC will synchronize comments present on the issue before the initial issue synchronization Comment types to synchronize: choose which comments should be synchronized

Attachments synchronization:

  • Attachments: synchronize files
  • Synchronize all attachments: use that option if you want to synchronize all already added files

Fields to send: in this section, you can configure which fields you want to synchronize. Each mapping in the table consists of

  • Local field: name of local field
  • Remote Field name: alias/exposed field by remote Jira

Incoming configuration

Incoming configuration tab describes sets of synchronization rules about what and how will be received from remote Jira. It is directly connected with an Outgoing configuration in remote Jira.

This tab consists of two main parts:

Issue incoming mapping : this section is responsible for creating mappings for incoming triggers. Each incoming mapping consists of Project, Issue Type and Remote trigger. Based on the remote trigger name (from remote Jira instance) you define mapping to local trigger (to local Jira instance). Trigger consists of project and issue type. List of remote triggers is defined in “Outgoing configuration -> Create/Update triggers”

Exposed field to receive: in this section you can configure which fields you want to expose and aliases under which they will be visible in remote Jira. Each row in table consists of:

  • Local field: name of local field
  • Exposed Field name: alias/exposed field to remote Jira instance. (In remote Jira instance in Outgoing configuration you can select those fields you want to feed).

Received comments: configuration for received comments

  • Add comments as: select comment type to create when comment is received from the remote issue, note that internal comment will be created only if the target issue is service desk request, otherwise a public comment will be created