Apps documentation
My Requests Extension for Jira Service Management
Cloud Server/Data Center
My Requests Extension for Jira Service Management


Server/Data Center

Release notes
Articles & Videos
Last updated Aug 26, 2024


Learn how to export lists with requests.

Exporting requests

You can easily export a list with requests by using the Three dots icon. It’s possible to export files to the following formats:

  • CSV
  • XLSX

Click on the three dots menu in the upper right corner and select Export to CSV or Export to XLSX from the drop-down list.

My Requests - Export requests
My Requests - Export requests


For better readout, by exporting files to the CSV format you can select a delimiter:

  • Comma (,) (a default option)
  • Semicolon (;)
  • Vertical bar (|)
  • Caret (^)
My Requests - Select delimiter
My Requests - Select delimiter

When exporting the list with requests to the CSV and XLSX files you can also select Date format and Date/Time format for your files.

My Requests - Date and Date Time Formats
My Requests - Date and Date Time Formats

By determining Date format you can select the format from the following options:

  • dd/MMM/yyyy (a default option)
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yyyy

Check examples of the displayed Date format options below.

Date Date Format Option
28/Nov/2023 dd/MMM/yyyy
28/11/2023 dd/MM/yyyy
11/28/2023 MM/dd/yyyy

By determining Date/Time format you can select the format from the following options:

  • dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm a (a default option)
  • dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a
  • MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a
  • dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
  • MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm

Check examples of the displayed Date/Time format options below.

Date/ Time Date/ Time Format Option
28/Nov/2023 7:40 AM dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm a
28/11/2023 7:40 AM dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a
11/28/2023 7:40 AM MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a
28/11/2023 7:40 dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
11/28/2023 7:40 MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
  • The exported file contains columns and field values that have been visible on the view with requests.
  • The maximum number of requests you can export at one go is set by the Jira Administrator.
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