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Learn how to efficiently browse and search through your Requests page.
- Jira search syntax for text fields can be used in every search.
- Bear in mind that the * symbol can’t be used as a first character in the search.
Summary searching
You can search your requests by any text which appears in the Summary column. To perform the search, click on the search bar in the top right corner of the Requests page and introduce a single term or a phrase. You can also use the * symbol to perform a multiple character wildcard search.
Issue Key searching
For Key it’s necessary to search with the exact match which is the whole key of an issue (for example: HRSD-4). You can search by multiple issue keys at the same time.
Description searching
You can search your requests by their Description. To do so, just click the search bar and introduce a single term or a phrase of the description.
Request with a description:
Searching this request by its description:
The app’s Requests page also enables its users to search for requests based on the Reporter field. When the field is added to filtering criteria, it’s possible to search for a request by using the name or email address of the reporting person. The scope of searching includes all your Jira instance users.
If you can’t find the answer you need in our documentation, raise a support request.