This chapter provides information about creating Test Cases.
Test Cases can be created as regular Jira issues in Create Issue dialog box. You can also add Test Case by clicking on + in particular folder in the Test Case tree.
If you haven’t created any new folder yet, go to All.
To create a Test Case navigate to Project > Test Management > Test Cases. Click +.
In the Details section, complete all fields added to the screen:
Issue type
Test Plan
Select folder
Epic link
RTM Environment
Fix Version
Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira appCreate Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
There are three ways to add steps to your Test Case:
Link from other TC, where you can copy group of steps from other Test Case
Import from .CSV fileCreate Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Fill in the Preconditions field if your Test Case requires an additional condition before running the procedure.
Create a group of steps
Right after clicking +Create a group of steps, a Default group with first step is added. Now you can:
Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Change step’s group name
Complete step’s columns
Use the text tools to diversify your text.
Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Copy group of steps
Copy step
Add Step
Add Group
Add Attachment.
Each step can have own attachments. Attachments can be added after creating an issue.
Use drag and drop to reorder the steps or group of steps.
Use existing steps and implement them to your Test Case with Link steps and Import from CSV buttons.
Link from other TC
You don’t have to rewrite Test Case’s steps. Use existing steps from other Test Case and copy them to your new TC:
Click Link from other TC. A drawer displays.
Choose Test Case where target steps are stored.
Click Continue. Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
You can check how many groups of steps are included in Test Case in information box.
Select groups of steps.
Click Link.
Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
As a result, steps from other TC are copied to your Test Case.
If you change or edit steps in the root Test Case, they will also change in TCs that reuse it.
Copied steps are blocked. To edit them you need to unlink TCE group. Click the Unlink steps group icon and make changes in your steps.
Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Import from CSV
Click Import from CSV and choose a .csv file with steps.
Steps add automatically.
Sample file to import can be found here. The file contains three Steps, with columns named Action, Input, Expected result. Each step is located in a separate group.
Open Test Case’s Requirements tab. There are two ways to add Requirements to your Test Case:
by adding Requirements, that already exist
by creating new requirements
Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Add Requirement
Right after clicking on Add Requirement button, a dialog with Requirements display. Select Requirements that will be covered by your Test Case and click Add to confirm the action.
Create Test Case in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Create New Requirement
As soon as you click Create New Requirement, you will be transferred to Requirements tab.
If you can’t find the answer you need in our documentation, raise a support request*.
*Include as much information as possible to help our support team resolve your issue faster.