This chapter provides information about navigation tools in RTM app.
Each feature has similar settings on the tree view and in folders.
Top navigation
In the RTM app, it’s possible to navigate using the menu bar anchored to the top of the screen. Except for the reports, the order of links is related to the order of processes executed inside the tool.
The navigation menu includes the main modules and links to the reports.
A button that opens the Documentation page.
Information about improvements implemented to the app in the newest version.
Link to our public roadmap in Trello, where users can vote for new functionalities.
In case you encounter any problem with the extension or have questions related to its functioning, you can ask our Support team for help.
A button that opens a progress widget that shows the current status of creating reports and executions.
Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Native issue view
Each issue configured in RTM has the dedicated panel at the native Jira Issue view. You can easily jump into the RTM app using the section visible in the right issue panel.
Click Open RTM in order to see the panel preview. Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Once you open the panel, click Open in RTM, so that you move on to the view of the chosen issue inside the RTM app. Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Tree options
+ - add an element.
Folder icon - add a folder.
Bin - delete an object from Jira permanently or remove it from the tree.
Clone - clone the target elements on the tree.
Target icon - find the displayed element on the tree.
Search - use a search to find particular element.
Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Expand - display all elements within the tree.
Collapse - hide all elements within the tree.
Refresh - refresh the tree view.
Import to tree - import the issues to the tree.
You can only import issues which are not added to the tree. Depending on issue types which are set in project configuration for specific module, these issue types will be available for import.
Export issues (CSV) - export the issues to the CSV file.
Update issues (CSV) - update the issues from the CSV file.
Export folders to JSON - export folders to the JSON file.
Import folders from JSON - import folders from the JSON file.
Toggle test key visibility - show or hide the Test Keys by which you can identify objects when using application REST API.
Set test key - set or edit Test Key for a selected object at the tree structure.
Set missing test keys - automatically set the Test Key for all object at tree structure where they are currently missing.
Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Object context menu - right-click on object to expand list with Open in a new tab, Expand the selected node, and Export folders to JSON options.
You can use drag and drop to move issues on the tree.
Folder view
RTM app provides a default All folder that summarises all elements within the tree. Each RTM object has its own tree structure:
Test Cases
Test Plans
Test Executions
After clicking on All folder, section is visible near the tree, on the right side.
Most folders allows to:
View all - elements are displayed as a list.
Filter - filter selected elements and save/delete created filter [2b].
Default view, List view - choose a convenient way to browse issues and folders (available only in the Requirements module).
Search - find elements on the list.
Advanced - use JQL to search elements.
Add/Remove Columns - decide which fields will be visible as columns on the list. Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
… - perform more actions (available after choosing at least one issue from the list).
Clone - clone marked elements.
Move on tree - move issues to a folder or under other issues.
Set test key - set a test key (one at the time).
Open in Issue Navigator - select issues to open them in the Issue Navigator.
Delete - remove checked elements from a folder and from the Jira.
Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
This section provides information on saving filters.
You can save filters in following sections: Requirements, Test Cases, Test Plans, Test Executions and Defects.
Created filters are available in all sections mentioned above.
If you set A filter in Requirements and choose B filter in Test Cases, then you come back to Requirements, the A filter is selected as the main filter.
To create a new filter:
Edit default filter settings, for example: change columns order or displayed criteria.
Go to Default Filter.
Click Save as. Save new filter with Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
The New Filter dialog box appears.
Enter a new filter name.
Click Create. Save new filter with Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
A new filter is added. Now you can see new created filter
You can edit your filter and save changes by clicking Save or click Save as, if you want to create a new one.
If you want to remove a filter, click Delete.
You can’t change default filter settings.
You can edit created filter with Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Issue view
RTM features provide Details section, where you can view or edit fields:
Reporter (read-only)
Type of requirement
Created (read-only)
Last updated (read-only)
Fix version
Test Key Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
This tab consists of two sections, where direct and indirect relations are displayed. Thanks to that, you can check the connection between RTM elements and monitor their statuses.
In Relations you can also create direct links between issues or link to an external Web sources.
Click the icon in the upper right corner to switch relations view.
Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
Expand the list to check the structure of linked issues for each object.
Explore navigation tools in Requirements and Test Management for Jira app
For more information about Impact Analysis click here.
Remember that to create links on issues, you need to have the Link Issues permission in the project(s) to which the issues belong. Read more about relations here.
Need help?
If you can’t find the answer you need in our documentation, raise a support request*.
*Include as much information as possible to help our support team resolve your issue faster.