Apps documentation
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management
Cloud Server/Data Center
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management


Server/Data Center

Release notes
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Last updated Mar 21, 2024


Find out about additional customized elements that can be added to your Page.

With Elements you can insert additional information that will be displayed on your Page. Each Element is unique to an individual Page and can be configured only in Page settings editor.

Currently, there are six configurable Elements:

To learn about the Logo or Home link configuration, follow the steps below.


  1. Click on the Pen icon to expand the Logo/Home link panel.

  2. Choose the text of the link with up to 48 characters. Alternatively you can upload an image using drag and drop or by browsing files.


    Supported formats for your files are JPG, JPEG, PNG, HEIC.

  3. Choose the target of the link.

  4. Click Save.

Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Logo/Home link
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Logo/Home link


The Logo/Home link element of your Page is configured.

With Top menu links you can add external and internal links to be accessible by the users of your Page. It’s also possible to customize the link text in order to boost user experience and create a group of links to keep several important sources organized.


To display Top menu links on your Page, it’s necessary to first enable their visibility by switching the toggle next to Show Top menu links.

To learn about adding a link to the top menu of your Page, follow the steps below.


  1. Click on the Pen icon to expand the Top menu links panel.

  2. Select the Add link option.

Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Top Menu Links
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Top Menu Links
  1. Introduce the Link text which should be displayed on your Page.
  2. Enter the URL address of a chosen link.

With links you can redirect users to external websites as well as to the selected sections of Pages.

  1. To store the introduced content, click the Tick icon.

By clicking the Cross icon, the introduced Link text and URL will be permanently lost.

Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Adding Top Menu Links
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Adding Top Menu Links
  1. Finish the configuration of links in the Top menu by clicking Save.
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Saving Top Menu Links
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Saving Top Menu Links


The link is added and the introduced link text is displayed on your Page in the Top menu section.


It’s possible to manage the configuration of added links. By clicking the Three dots menu, you can:

  • edit the created link.
  • delete the created link.

To find out how to create groups with added links, go through the steps below.


  1. Access the Top menu links section.

  2. Click Create group.

  3. Introduce the Group name which will be displayed to the users of your Page.

  4. To save the introduced name, click the Tick icon.


By clicking the Cross icon, the introduced Group name will be permanently lost.

  1. To add links to the created group, use drag and drop.
  2. Store your configuration by clicking Save.


Your group is created and it contains selected links.


It’s possible to manage the configuration of added groups. By clicking the Three dots menu, you can:

  • edit the created group.
  • delete the created group.


To set the search bar configuration, follow the steps below.


  1. Click on the Pen icon to expand the Searcher panel.

  2. Turn on the toggle if you want to add a search bar to your Page.

  3. Optionally, you can create a custom Placeholder text to be visible in the search bar.

  4. Set the colors of the search bar using the color picker, HEX code, or RGB codes.


Use the Minus icon to turn off the configuration of individual colors. That way they’ll automatically match the background color to create the best possible composition. You can always configure them manually by clicking the Plus icon.

  1. To store your configuration, click Save.
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Searcher
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Searcher


The search bar is configured and its icon is visible on the Page editor view.

To learn how to customize your Page’s header, go through the steps below.


  1. Click on the Pen icon to expand the Header panel.

  2. Use the Show header toggle to decide about the header visibility on your Page.

  3. Change the text of the header.


You can also change the colors of the Page’s header in the Visual section of the Page editor. To learn more, navigate to Visual.

  1. Click Save.
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Header
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Header


The Header element of your Page is configured.

Announcement banner


  1. Click on the Pen icon to expand the Announcement banner panel.

  2. Turn on the toggle next to Show Announcement banner.

  3. Choose Colors of the font, background, and border.


Use the Minus icon to turn off the configuration of individual colors. That way they’ll automatically match the background color to create the best possible composition. You can always configure them manually by clicking the Plus icon.

  1. Enter the text of the banner. You can format it using the rich text editor.
  2. Optionally, you can upload an image.
  • Maximum dimensions are 32x32 pixels.
  • Supported formats are JPG, JPEG, PNG, HEIC.
  1. To store your configuration, click Save.


The Announcement banner of your Page is added.


  1. Click on the Pen icon to expand the Footer panel.

  2. Turn on the toggle next to Show footer.

  3. Choose Colors of the font and background.


Use the Minus icon to turn off the configuration of individual colors. That way they’ll automatically match the background color to create the best possible composition. You can always configure them manually by clicking the Plus icon.

  1. Enter the text for the footer. You can format it using the rich text editor.
  2. To store your configuration, click Save.
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Footer
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Configuring Footer


The Footer element is added to your Page.

Next up

To finish the Page configuration, proceed to publishing. You can also continue editing by accessing the Contents category of the Page settings.