Apps documentation
Active Directory Attributes Sync
Active Directory Attributes Sync
Release notes
Last updated Sep 17, 2022

Hiding attributes based on group memberships

This section provides information on how to define for whom the selected attributes should be visible

Configuring group restrictions while adding a new field:


  1. Go to Jira Administration > Manage apps
  2. Select Connections from the menu in the Manage Apps section
  3. Select your connection
  4. Click Add field
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes

The Add field dialog box appears


For more information on setting fields in the connection, see Fields.

  1. Under User group restrictions choose which groups should be able to see the field. If no group is selected, the field will be visible to anyone
  2. Click Add field
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes

The added field will be visible only to selected groups.

Configuring group restrictions of already added field


  1. Select Connections from the menu in the Manage Apps section
  2. Select your connection
  3. Click pencil icon of the field you are interested with in the User group restrictions column
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes

The Visibility restrictions for user groups dialog box appears

  1. Under User group restrictions choose which groups should be able to see the field. If no group is selected, the field will be visible to anyone
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes
    Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira - Hiding attributes

The field we selected will be visible only to selected groups.

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