Apps documentation
Approvals - Advanced Issue Acceptance
Approvals - Advanced Issue Acceptance
Release notes
Last updated May 4, 2020

Approvals Settings

Instructions to configure global Approvals settings

Before you create approval schemas in Approvals Configuration, you need to define an actor in Approvals > Settings. Approved transitions will be executed on their behalf. An actor is a designated user with the following permissions:

  • jira-administrators
  • jira-software-users, if you wish to use Approvals in Jira Software projects.
  • jia-service-desk-users, if you wish to use Approvals in Jira Service Management projects.

Moreover, in Settings, you can customize various aspects of your review process with Approvals.


Keep in mind, that Approvals settings are global and impact all Approvals - Advanced Issue Acceptance approval schemas.


To configure Approvals settings:

  1. Go to Jira Administration > Manage Apps > Settings under Approvals.
  2. Designate a user who will serve as Actor by selecting them from the drop-down list.
  3. [Optional]Check the Allow Revoke checkbox to allow reviewers to revoke their approvals.
  4. [Optional]Check the Require Reject Reason checkbox. Reviewers who reject an approval will need to provide a reason.
  5. [Optional]Provide an alternative Approve label, for example, in a different language.
  6. [Optional]Provide an alternative Reject label.
  7. [Optional]Provide an alternative Revoke label.
  8. [Optional]Customize the email template inviting reviewers to partake in review. For more details, see Email Template Customization.
  9. Click Save.
Configuring Approvals Settings
Configuring Approvals Settings


Global Approvals settings are saved and you can now create approval schemas in Approvals Configuration

Email Template Customization

You can use the following variables to customize the email template inviting reviewers to partake in review:

Variable Description
template_issueKey The issue key of template.
$!approvalName The name of the Approvals schema of the review
$!baseUrl The URL of the current JIRA server
$!customFieldManager Custom field manager, retrieving custom field values
$!displayName The display name of the user who requests review
$!issue The issue object under review
$!key The key of the issue under review
$!projectKey The key of the project containing the issue under review
$!projectName The name of the project containing the issue under review
$!status The current status of the issue under review
$!summary The summary of the issue under review
$!token The approval token, passed as a parameter approve or reject an approval request
$!username The username of the user who requests review
$approveLabel The Approve label configured in Approvals > Settings
$rejectLabel The Reject label configured in Approvals > Settings

Moreover, you can include links to download issue attachments, using the following syntax:

#foreach ($attachment in $issue.getAttachments())
    <a href="$!baseUrl/secure/attachment/$attachment.getId()/$attachment.getFilename()">$attachment.getFilename()</a><br/>

You can also include custom field values, using the following syntax:

#set ($cf = $!customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject('customfield_10001'))
#if ($cf)
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