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Extension for Jira Service Management
Cloud Server/Data Center
Extension for Jira Service Management


Server/Data Center

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Last updated Sep 1, 2024

Bundled Fields Configuration

Learn how to configure Bundled Fields.


Before you start, log in as a user with Jira Administrators global permission.

  • On the Customer Portal the anonymous Jira Service Management users won’t see the fields configured as Bundled Fields.
  • Keep in mind that any changes made to an existing configuration will affect all issues where the custom field is used.

Selecting custom field



Before you start configuring Bundled Fields, you need to add a dedicated custom field first. To learn more, go to Adding Bundled Fields.

To start configuring a Bundled Field custom field:

  1. Go to Jira Administration > Manage apps.
  2. Select Bundled Fields from the menu in the Extension for Jira Service Desk section.
  3. Select a custom field that you want to configure. The list contains all Deviniti [Extension] - Bundled Fields custom fields that are added to Jira.
  4. Select a context for your custom field.
  5. You may also create a new custom field right from there.
Customize Jira Service Management portal with Bundled Fields
Customize Jira Service Management portal with Bundled Fields

Adding subfields

In the first configuration tab you can add and configure subfields of your future form. Scroll down to read descriptions of each option:

Bundled Fields Configuration - Add and Configure Subfields
Bundled Fields Configuration - Add and Configure Subfields
  1. Add a new subfield. Type the new subfield’s name in the first configuration column.

  2. Select the subfield type. You can choose one of these:
    • Checkbox
    • Date Picker
    • Date Time Picker
    • Time Picker
    • Text Field (single line)
    • Text Field (multi-line)
    • Select List (single choice)
    • User Picker (single user)

For Text Field (single line), you can define the formatting and validators. Read more about it here.

  1. Add options to your select list.

  2. Hide options. You may want to hide options to make the configuration view more clear. They won’t disappear from the list.

  3. Additional settings for options include:

    • Add bulk options. You can copy and paste an already prepared list of options, or type them in quickly one by one. Just remember to separate the options with an Enter.
    • Import from field. You can import options from an existing custom field. In a separate window you’ll be able to define the source field and its context, so that all the options will be added to your list at once.

  4. Remove options. Delete the options you no longer need. Tip: If you only want to reorder them, you can do it by drag and drop.

  5. Required. Turn on the toggle to make a given subfield mandatory.


On the Customer Portal the anonymous or unlicensed Jira Service Management users won’t see the fields configured as Bundled Fields together with their subfields. When a subfield is configured as required, such users need to log in or sign up to submit the request form.


Fields set up as related shouldn’t be marked as required in global Jira settings. Otherwise, all Bundled Fields’ subfields would be recognized as required and you won’t be able to differentiate required subfields from optional ones.

If you’d like to make the entire custom field required, you can do so by setting up a minimum and maximum number of rows. For example, if you set up a minimum number of rows as 1 (or more), it will make it impossible to delete rows on the Create Issue screen and therefore practically make the custom field required.

  1. Show label. Turn on the toggle to show the subfield’s label. This might be a good idea if you want your final form to be a table.

  2. Additional settings for subfields include:

    • Adding a subfield description. Click on the three dots menu to get to this option. In a new window you’ll be able to add a field description that will show up right under the subfield in your final form.

      • You can use Jira Markdown to format the text.
      • Character limit is maximum 500 characters including spaces.
      • You might need to free some additional space for longer descriptions. In order to do so, enable the Split labels into lines option and then manually move the subfields apart in the Layout editor.
    • Duplicating subfields. You can make a copy of the selected subfield, to easier configure another one. The duplicated subfield will be displayed right under the original one.

    • Deleting subfields. You can remove subfields you no longer need. Tip: If you only want to reorder them, you can do it by drag and drop.

      Deleting a subfield from the Bundled Fields configuration will remove it from all issues (even already existing ones) and data it now contains will be permanently lost.

  3. Add a separator. You can divide your subfields into certain groups with a separating line. If you decide to give it a name, it will be integrated in the middle of the line on your final form.


You can change the separator’s position in the Layout editor.

  1. Save the configuration.

Remember to always save the changes before leaving the configuration screen.

Editing layout

The second configuration tab lets you decide how the subfields will be displayed on your form. You can reorder them, change their size, or place short fields next to each other to save some space.

You can rearrange the fields simply by dragging and dropping them within the Layout editor tab:

Bundled Fields Configuration - Layout Editor
Bundled Fields Configuration - Layout Editor

When you drag and drop a field, it doesn’t automatically expand the form. If you’d like to put a field between two other fields, you’ll need to move them apart, so that there is enough white space between them.


Here’s what a Bundled Fields custom field may look like on the Create Issue screen:

  • Default layout:

    Bundled Fields Configuration - Default Layout
    Bundled Fields Configuration - Default Layout
  • Custom layout:

    Bundled Fields Configuration - Custom Layout
    Bundled Fields Configuration - Custom Layout

Configuring settings

In the third tab you’ll be able to further improve your Bundled Fields. Scroll down to read the descriptions:

Bundled Fields Configuration - Settings
Bundled Fields Configuration - Settings
  1. Bundle description. You can give your form a name or write a short description for the users. The text will appear right above the Bundled Field custom field in an issue.

  2. How many groups. Define how many times your form can be displayed on the Create Issue and Edit Issue screens. There are three parameters available:

    • Default number of groups: Choose a default number of Bundled Fields groups. For example, if you select 3 groups, your form will be displayed three times (in 3 groups).
    • Min. number of groups: The user will not be able to remove any Bundled Fields groups if they reach this number.
    • Max. number of groups: The user will not be able to add any Bundled Fields groups if they reach this number.
  • You can choose a maximum of 35 groups. If you select 0 as the Default number of groups, your Bundled Field will be generated as an empty state.

  • If you select 0 as the Min. number of groups and a user will remove all the groups on the Create Issue screen, all required subfields will be converted to optional.

  1. New group button. Here you can change what’s written on the button for adding new groups. In other words, the button lets users multiply a group of subfields and provide a new set of data into subfields of the same type (for example, an alternative address).

    To change the label, delete the default Add new group text and type in your own.

  2. Layout on the Issue View. Here are all the available options for displaying Bundled Fields:

    • Custom Layout

      • used on the Create Issue and Edit Issue views
      • saves space on the form
      • highly customizable
      • the order of fields is defined in the Layout editor
    • Horizontal

      • available only for the Issue View
      • looks like a table
      • allows for data exports to other file formats
      • works best when the Display labels only for the first row option is enabled
      • the order of fields is defined in the Subfields tab
    • Vertical

      • available only for the Issue View
      • looks like a list
      • easy to read
      • the order of fields is defined in the Subfields tab

  3. Display labels only for the first row. This option is particularly useful when you build a table with many rows. This way the label will only be displayed once, at the top of the column.

  4. Display labels only for the first row. This option is particularly useful when you build a table with many rows. This way the label will only be displayed once, at the top of the column.

  5. Remove labels from exports. Turn on the toggle to remove labels in Bundled Fields data exported to tables of the following formats:

    • Printable
    • HTML
    • Word

The Printable view before and after turning on this option:

Customize Jira Service Management portal with Bundled Fields
Customize Jira Service Management portal with Bundled Fields
  1. Split labels into lines. By default, long text labels adjust to the subfield’s length. The remaining part of the too long label text is then only displayed on hover. To display the full text of your label on the form, you can enable the Split labels into lines option and see the label text in several lines.

You may need to adjust your layout in the Layout editor in order to free some space for longer descriptions.


A Bundled Field has been configured.

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