- Introduction
- About
- Get started
- Migration to Cloud
- Bundled Fields
- Bundled Fields Overview
- Adding Bundled Fields
- Bundled Fields Configuration
- Format and validation
- Using Bundled Fields
- Advanced settings
- Bundled Fields Searcher
- Java API (ScriptRunner)
- Data Sources
- Email notifications
- Bundled Fields v.6.8.x - 6.9.x
- Bundled Fields v.6.7.x
- Dynamic Forms
- Dynamic Forms
- Supported fields
- Visibility
- Request Types visibility
- Fields visibility
- Customer Portal visibility
- Options visibility
- Requirements visibility
- SLAs visibility
- Java API
- Multilevel Structure
- Configuration
- Using a multilevel structure on the Customer Portal
- User Synchronization
- Organizations and Groups Synchronization
- Issue View
- Issue View
- Add user's IP address post function
- Restart SLA post function
- Update SLA to date post function
- Customer Portal
- Links
- Export list
- Split column
- Request details view
- Additional fields
- Additional options
- Compatibility
- Configuration Manager
Java API: Troubleshooting
Find solutions for most common problems with the Bundled Fields Java API
- Currently we don’t support ScriptRunner’s Behaviours.
- To find available Java API methods and get more information about what’s supported, go the main Java API chapter.
- To see an example of a Bundled Fields’ JSON structure and descriptions of the attributes, go to Examples and definitions.
Cases that throw exceptions
Here’s a list of the most common error sources:
- Providing a data type that is not compatible with the configured subfield’s type.
- Exceeding the character limit (255) in a text field (single-line).
- Trying to set a value for the separator (which is a technical field).
- Providing a non-existent option as a value.
- Providing a userKey of a non-existent user.
- Providing a non-existent subfield name.
- Providing a non-existent group index.
- Providing an empty value for a required subfield.
- Providing a value that is not compatible with the defined formatting, regular expression, or value mask.
- Trying to exceed the configured number of groups for an issue.
- Trying to create a new group without a required subfield.
- Trying to perform an operation on a Bundled Field that hasn’t been configured (no configuration of such field has ever been saved).
- Error during form validation while trying to update the issue (the possible reason may be a globally required field that hasn’t been filled).
You may encounter the following exception while using both Dynamic Forms for Jira and Extension for Jira Service Management in your Jira instance:
2021-05-31 08:57:18,127 ERROR [common.UserScriptEndpoint]: Script console script failed:
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object 'com.deviniti.plugins.bundledfields.api.issue.BundledFieldImpl@67c66bcf' with class 'com.deviniti.plugins.bundledfields.api.issue.BundledFieldImpl' to class 'com.deviniti.plugins.bundledfields.api.issue.BundledField'
at Script69.run(Script69.groovy:39)
Problem description
The problem comes from the fact that in a Groovy script, you can only import a class definition from one source at a time (for example, the BundledField class, as in the case below). Such a class definition is cached via the Groovy Script Engine. Then it is used in the context of the Bundled Fields component in all scripts - for both Dynamic Forms and Extension.
Therefore, the GroovyCastException will occur every time a Groovy script uses a Bundled Fields’ class definition from the other app.
You can solve this problem by using the def type instead of a class.
For example, when you get the GroovyCastException generated by such a script:
import com.deviniti.plugins.bundledfields.api.issue.BundledField
import com.intenso.jira.plugins.bundledfields.api.ExtensionBundledService
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.PluginModule
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.WithPlugin
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level
String ISSUE_KEY = "BFT2-14";
String EXT_BF_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID = "customfield_10700";
ExtensionBundledService extensionBundledService
log.debug("bundledFieldService: " + extensionBundledService)
BundledField ext_bf = extensionBundledService.getBundledField(ISSUE_KEY, EXT_BF_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID)
log.debug("ext_bf.groups: " + ext_bf.getGroups())
instead of using this class for getting a bundled field:
BundledField ext_bf = extensionBundledService.getBundledField(ISSUE_KEY, EXT_BF_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID)
you can use this script:
def ext_bf = extensionBundledService.getBundledField(ISSUE_KEY, EXT_BF_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID)
How to find a field’s ID
Navigate to Manage apps>Bundled fields>Subfields
- Open developer tools in your browser.
- Go to the Network tab.
- Find Bundled fields, use filter to find it quicker.
- The ID is right above the field’s name.
MissingGroupException: Unable to find group with index: 0
The MissingGroupException: Unable to find group with index: 0
error occurs when a bundled field is empty in the referred issue.
If you can’t find the answer you need in our documentation, raise a support request.
Include as much information as possible to help our support team resolve your issue faster.