This page provides information on exporting configuration of Dynamic Forms.
You can export a configuration of Dynamic Forms to .JSON file what is especially useful when you want to export configuration to another Jira instance or create a backup.
To export global configuration, log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.
Global configuration which is used in projects will not be exported.
However, if you want to export it, change global configuration into project one.
Go to Jira Administration > Manage apps.
Select Dynamic Forms from the menu in the Extension for Jira Service Management section.
On the left sidebar click the dotted icon.
Select Export configuration.
Export global configuration
Export project configuration
Configuration is exported to the .JSON file.
A file naming convention provides the following elements: feature (DF - Dynamic Forms), date (DD_MM_YYYY), time (HH_mm).
For example: DF_18_12_2018_12_02.json.
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