Apps documentation
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
Release notes
Last updated Jan 7, 2020

TestFLO settings

This page provides information about settings for TestFLO’s elements.

After TestFLO installation, it becomes possible to configure settings that affect the entire application. It is divided into five sections and each of them is responsible for individual TestFLO elements.


The configuration in TestFLO Settings page is available to users with permissions:

  • Jira System Administrators
  • Jira Administrators


To get to the Settings page:

  1. Go to the Jira Administration > Manage Apps (Add-ons).
  2. Click the Settings page in TestFLO section.
TestFLO settings


  1. Click on TestFLO menu in top navigation bar in Jira.
  2. Select Settings from list.
TestFLO settings


View of TestFLO Settings page.

Global Settings

In this section you can manage the name of the TestFLO menu header and select limit of exported issues to PDF file.

Global settings in TestFLO settings

With this option, you can set a different title for TestFLO menu. By default title is set as TestFLO.

PDF export issues limit

Set the maximum threshold for exported issues to PDF. The maximum value is 1000.

Test Case

This section is responsible for elements related to Test Cases.

Test case section in TestFLO settings

Subtask issue type

The Subtask issue type option is responsible for the Test Case issue type. The Test Case issue type is set after installation. This option is locked and you cannot change the type of issue. You can only change the Name and Issue Type Avatar in the Administration > Issues > Issue types > Test Case > Edit.

Test Cases panel columns

This option is responsible for displaying columns in the Test Cases panel on the Test Plan.

To add or change columns, hover over on listed fields and click pencil. The dialog with Select Test Cases panel columns will be displayed. Select appropriate fields and click Save.

If you want to change the order of displayed columns use drag&drop option. Use the trash icon to delete the field.

Test Cases panel columns settings

Page size: issue searcher dialog

Issue searcher dialog is a special dialog that shows results separated into pages of issues. It displays when you use operation, for example, Create Test Cases and Link with Requirement. With this option, you can decide how many issues will be shown per page.

Page size: single TC group

This value is used to determine how many Test Cases are shown per page when the Test Cases panel doesn’t have any created groups.

Page size: multiple TC groups

This value is used to determine how many Test Cases are shown per page when the Test Cases panel has at least one group created.

Closed statuses

Select Test Case statuses that will be considered as closed/executed. This feature is used for:

  • Showing the ratio of not executed to executed Test Cases in Test information panel on the Test Plan.

  • Updating all linked Test Case from Test Case Template with Update Test Cases operation (case when Test Case Template has change and you want to propagate this change to not executed Test Cases).

Passed statuses

This is a category of statuses that indicates all the statuses that you consider as passed for the Test Case. This feature is used in reporting and iterations.

Failed statuses

This is a category of statuses taht indicates all the statuses that you consider as failed for Test Case. This feature is used in reporting and iterations.

Delete-able statuses


This option is deprecated and no longer useful. It will be removed in the one of upcoming versions.

Assign Roles

Select Jira roles that have permission to assign Test Cases. This functionality overrides assign permission and is used when you need more sophisticated permission. For example, users who have the Test Managers role should be able to assign Test Cases to perform, but users who belong to the Junior Tester role should not have such permissions.

Assignable Roles

This option is connected with Assign Roles. It decides to which roles Test Cases can be assigned despite assign permission. For example, tests can be assigned to users from the Junior Tester role but not from the Analyst or Developer roles.

Update TCs with fields from filter config

You can specify a filter with columns configuration that will be used for updating Test Case from Test Case Template. It is useful when want to update specific fields. To get more information, see Update Test Cases operation.

Export Test Case fields

Specify which fields you want to export using PDF and HTML exports. This is useful when you want to display specific fields in a file. For example fix version, steps, issue type, etc. Click the pencil, select the appropriate fields and save your selection.

Create TCs with fields from filter config

You can specify a filter with columns configuration that will be used in process of creation Test Case from Test Case Template. It is useful when want to create specific fields. To get more information, see Create Test Cases operation.

In this option you can specify the type of link, that will be created between Test Case and Requirement issue, if the Test Case Template you are using has any requirements bind to it. This linking uses the Link with Requirement operation.

You can decide, whether issue links from the Test Case Template should be copied to the Test Case upon its creation or not.

Test Case Template

This section is responsible for elements related to Test Case Template.

Test case template section in TestFLO settings

Issue type

The Issue type option is responsible for the Test Case Template issue type. The Test Case Template issue type is set after installation. This option is locked and you cannot change the type of issue. You can only change the Name and Issue Type Avatar in the Administration > Issues > Issue types > Test Case Template > Edit.

Active statuses

In this option, you can decide which statuses are valid for creating Test Cases from Test Case Template. If Test Case Templates are not in Active statuses, they will not be shown when choosing the Test Case Template in the Test Plan.

Export Test Case Template fields

Specify which fields you want to export using PDF and HTML exports. This is useful when you want to display specific fields in a file. For example fix version, steps, issue type, etc. Click the pencil, select the appropriate fields and save your selection.

Test Plan

This section is responsible for elements related to Test Plan.

Test Plan section in TestFLO settings

Test Plan issue type

The Test Plan issue type option is responsible for the Test Plan issue type. The Test Plan issue type is set after installation. This option is locked and you cannot change the type of issue. You can only change the Name and Issue Type Avatar in the Administration > Issues > Issue types > Test Plan > Edit.

Export Test Plan fields

Specify which fields you want to export using PDF and HTML exports. This is useful when you want to display specific fields in a file. For example fix version, steps, issue type, etc. Click the pencil, select the appropriate fields and save your selection.


This section is responsible for elements related to Defects.

Defects section in TestFLO settings

When you creating or linking defects they are automatically linked to the Test Case. With this option, you can select a specific link type for this operation. By default, the link is set as a Defect.

Custom Fields

This section is responsible for elements related to TestFLO’s custom fields.

Custom Fields section in TestFLO settings

Requirement CF

The Test Case Templates, Test Plans, Test Cases and Defects can be linked with Requirements. This is helpful to track defects, Test Plans, Test Case Templates and Test Cases from the Requirement perspective. This option uses the TestFLO - Enhanced Issues Picker CF.

Steps CF

This field allows creating a table with custom columns. It can be used both on TCT and TC for storing steps that need to be taken for Test Case execution. This option uses the TestFLO Steps.

TP Status CF

This field allows representing Test Plan statuses with a colored bar. In this field, you can configure other colors than the default ones from Jira. This option uses the TestFLO - Issue color status.

TP Progress CF

Custom field that shows the progress of subtasks or related issues. This option uses the TestFLO - SubTasks color status.

TC Status CF

Allows representing Test Case statuses with a colored bar. In this field, you can configure other colors than the default ones from Jira. This option uses the TestFLO - Issue color status.

TC Group CF

Allows to defining groups in the Test Cases panel. This field is a Text Field (read-only) type that stores information to which group given Test Case belongs.

TC Template CF

The Test Case is created as a one-to-one copy from the Test Case Template. If you want to keep information about the Test Case origin, define TestFLO - Issue Link Field. It may be used for:

  • propagating changes from the Test Case Template to all not executed Test Cases,
  • showing all created Test Case on the Test Case Template,
  • referring to the Test Case Template directly from the Test Case.

Steps Progress CF

Custom field that shows the progress of Steps in the Test Case. This option uses the TestFLO - Steps color status.

Defects CF

This field aggregates issue keys from a select type of link. You can select the statuses that you are interested in. For example, when aggregating defects in Test Case, select those which are unresolved. This option uses the TestFLO - Linked Issue Keys.

Defects on TP CF

This field aggregates all created defects in Test Case on the given Test Plan. This option uses TestFLO - Aggregate Subtask Values.


Preconditions allow the tester to write conditions that have to be met before running a Test Case. This option uses TestFLO - Preconditions.