Use the following post-functions to automate your work with TestFLO issues.
TestFLO - Next Test Plan Iteration
This post-function allows to automatically create the Next Iteration of Test Plan after performing a given workflow transition. Together with the new iteration, all Test Cases execution statuses, linked defects and step comments will be reset. This will allow you to test again chosen Test Cases in the new iteration. All previous Test Case executions are available in the Test Executions tab on Test Case and all previous Test Plan iterations are available in the Test Plan Iterations tab on Test Plan.
To set the TestFLO - Next Test Plan Iteration post-function:
Go to the Jira Administration > Issues > Workflows.
Select a Test Plan workflow and click Edit mode.
Select the appropriate transition where you want to set the post-function and click on Post Functions tab.
Click Add post function.
Select TestFLO - Next Test Plan Iteration and click Add.
Select the Next iteration strategy:
All Test Cases - creates new iteration with all existing Test Cases on Test Plan.
Not passed Test Cases - creates a new iteration with Test Cases whose statuses are not configured as Passed statuses in the Test Case section in TestFLO Settings.
Only failed Test Cases - creates a new iteration with Test Cases whose statuses are configured as Failed statuses in the Test Case section in TestFLO Settings.
Click Add.
Publish a draft workflow.
Post-function has been added to the workflow.
TestFLO - Update Steps Statuses
This post-function allows to automatically change all Steps statuses after performing a given workflow transition on the Test Case. For example, by setting this post-function on transition from In progress to Pass, with one click you will be able to change all steps to the Pass status.
To set the TestFLO - Update Steps Statuses post-function:
Go to the Jira Administration > Issues > Workflows.
Select a Test Case workflow and click Edit mode.
Select the appropriate transition where you want to set the post-function and click on Post Functions tab.
Click Add post function.
Select TestFLO - Update Steps Statuses and click Add.
Choose the option to change statuses:
All steps - all steps statuses will be changed to the selected status.
Steps with default status - only the status of steps that are the default statuses will be changed.
This post-function increments a numeric custom field type (it has to be additionally configured) by one value when performing a transition on a configured workflow. You can use this post-function, for example, to increment the retest counter on Test Case or track how many times a given Test Case Template has been updated.
Below you will find an example configuration for a Test Case Template with update counter. Before you start you need to add to Test Case Template a Number Field custom field type.
To set the TestFLO - Increment value of CF post-function:
Go to the Jira Administration > Issues > Workflows.
Select a Test Case Template workflow and click Edit mode.
Configuration of Increment value of CF post-function
Select the appropriate transition where you want to set the post-function.
Click on the Post Functions tab.
Click Add post function.
Select TestFLO - Increment value of CF and click Add.
Select custom field of Number Field type and click Add.
Publish a draft workflow.
You have added a post-function to the workflow. Now when you make a transition on a configured issue, the value in the field will increase by one.
This post-function generates a snapshot of the selected custom fields for a given issue when the status of that issue changes. You can configure the TestFLO - Make snapshot of test progress state post-function in the Test Plan, Test Case, and Test Case Template. The snapshot results are displayed for:
Test Plan in the Test information panel in the Action section under Snapshots (preview of the last snapshot) and the Activity panel under the Test Snapshots tab (all snapshots),
Test Case and Test Case Template in the Activity panel under the Test Snapshots tab (all snapshots).
You can configure this post-function for other issue types in Jira. The configuration will be the same as for the Test Case or Test Case Template workflow.
Configuration for Test Plan workflow
To set the TestFLO - Make snapshot of test progress state on the Test Plan workflow:
Go to the Jira Administration > Issues > Workflows.
Select a Test Plan workflow and click Edit mode.
Select the appropriate transition where you want to set the post-function and click on the Post Functions tab.
Click Add post function.
Select TestFLO - Make snapshot of test progress state and click Add.
Test Result CF. Optional: Select a text custom field that keeps a Test Case result description or other significant information. The field should have a context for the Test Case issue type.
Select the Override existing snapshot checkbox if you want to override the previously generated snapshot. Leave unselected if you want to have all snapshots.
In Select fields for snapshot select the fields from Test Plan you want to preserve in the snapshot.
Click Add.
Publish the workflow draft.
You have configured the TestFLO - Make snapshot of test progress state post-function. The snapshot will be generated after you make the given transition in the Test Plan workflow. A Test Plan Snapshot, in addition to the fields defined in the post-function configuration, includes a table with all Test Cases for this Test Plan. The headers for this table are hard-coded. The Test Result header in the table reflects the selected field in Test Result CF.
Configuration for Test Case or Test Case Template workflow
To set the TestFLO - Make snapshot of test progress state on the Test Case or Test Case Template workflow:
Go to the Jira Administration > Issues > Workflows.
Select a Test Case or Test Case Template workflow and click Edit mode.
Select the appropriate transition where you want to set the post-function and click on the Post Functions tab.
Click Add post function.
Select TestFLO - Make snapshot of test progress state and click Add.
Select the Override existing snapshot checkbox if you want to override the previously generated snapshot. Leave unselected if you want to have all snapshots.
In Select fields for snapshot select the fields from Test Case or Test Case Template (depending on what workflow you are editing) you want to preserve in the snapshot.
Click Add.
Publish the workflow draft.
You have configured the TestFLO - Make snapshot of test progress state post-function. The snapshot will be generated after you make the given transition in the Test Case or Test Case Template workflow.