This page provides information about Test Case Template operations.
Add to existing Test Plan
This operation allows you to add a given Test Case Template to the selected Test Plan. When you add TCT to TP it becomes a Test Case that is an executable copy of the Test Case Template. The Add to existing Test Plan operation has the same mechanism of the Test Case creation as the Create Test Cases operation on Test Plan.
To get more information about the Test Case issue type and its features, see the entire Test Case chapter.
To add a Test Case Template (create Test Case) to Test Plan you need to have a Create Issues and Edit Issues permissions.
To add a Test Case Template to an existing Test Plan:
Click the Add to existing Test Plan operation in the Test information panel or select it from the More menu.
Selecting the Add to existing Test Plan operation
In the Add to Test Plan dialog, you can select Test Plans to which you want to add a Test Case Template. The list displays all available to the user Test Plans (including Additional Test Plan issue types if configured). The dialog, in addition to the list, contains:
View of the Add to existing Test Plan dialog
Search by filters - allows you to search TP using Quick filters and Saved Jira filters.
Search bar - allows you to search TP using Basic and Advanced (JQL) mode.
Columns - allows the user to add their own columns and change the order in which they appear in the list.
Columns headers - reflect the names of the fields selected in the Columns. You can sort the Test Plans list by clicking the column header when up and down arrows are displayed next to the header name. You can sort columns in descending and ascending order.
Results range - shows the number of Test Plans per page to all and the number of Test Plans selected by the user.
The number of displayed TPs per page can be changed using the Page size: issue searcher dialog option. You must bear in mind that the change also affects other operations. To learn more see Global Settings.
Pagination - shows the number of pages with results.
To search specific Test Plans you can use Search by filters or Search bar.
Using the Search bar, you can search the list in two modes: Basic and Advanced.
The Basic mode allows you to easily select data in each field. You can add more categories (fields) to your search by clicking More and selecting a field.
The Basic search does not support Sprint, Team and Link type fields.
The Advanced mode allows you to write a query in JQL. If a given query is not too complex you can switch to the Basic mode.
The Search by filters option gives you the possibility to filter TPs using Quick filters and Saved Jira filters. In the case of Quick filters, you just need to click on a filter to use it. Saved Filters will allow you to select saved filters from the list.
Each selected filter is reflected in the Search bar. Depending on the complexity, it will show up in the basic or advanced mode.
Quick filters:
Viewed recently - TPs that you last viewed.
Same Requirement/s as [Issue key of Test Case Template] - TPs with the same requirement value as on the Test Case Template.
Same Fix Version/s as [Issue key of Test Case Template] - TPs with the same Fix Version/s value as on the Test Case Template.
Same Component/s as [Issue key of Test Case Template] - TPs with the same Component/s value as on the Test Case Template.
Part of the Quick filters are based on the Requirement, Component/s and Fix Version/s fields. If the fields on the Test Case Template have no values, the dedicated filters will not appear.
The Saved Jira filters list contains your favorite filters and those created by you. To find a filter that has been shared with you, enter the name of the filter in the search box.
After searching for Test Plan/s, to which you want to add Test Case Template, the next step is to select the checkbox next to the given TP. You can select up to 5000 records at one time using a single selection or select all (in this case, the first 5,000 records are counted). Selected Test Plan/s are added to the Summary in order from top to bottom from the currently visible list with TPs. The order of selection by the user within the display of a given list is not taken into account.
Selecting Test Case Templates
If a given Test Case Template has already been added to a Test Plan at least once, that TP will be highlighted in the list.
Highlighted Test Plans where given Test Case Template has already been used once
Optional: Click on Selected issues:[number] to view the list with a summary of selected TPs. In this list, you can uncheck selected TPs using the bin icon. You can also back to the previous view and deselect Test Plan/s or select more as needed.
Summary view with selected TPs
Click Confirm to add Test Case Template to selected Test Plan/s.
You have created Test Case/s by adding Test Case Template to selected Test Plan/s. Created Test Cases are available in the Test Cases panel in the given Test Plan/s. They are also displayed in the Test Progress panel on the TCT.
You need to refresh the view of the Test Case Template to see all created Test Cases in the Test Progress panel.
TCT view from which the Test Case was created
When adding Test Case Templates to Test Plan, the data is taken from the fields existing in the TCT and recreated in the fields in the TC. The data in the fields is created (copied) based on the default configuration, which is presented in the table below. You can also overwrite the default configuration using the dedicated Create TCs with fields from TCTs option in TestFLO settings, where you select only those fields that interest you during creation. The rules for creating using the Create TCs with fields from TCTs option can be found in the appropriate column of the table below.
You must remember that field data will be copied if a given field is configured for both Test Case Template and Test Case.
In the table below you can check the list of fields and their behavior when you are adding Test Case Templates to the Test Plan (creating Test Cases).
Yes - means that data from the field are being created/copied.
No - means that the data from the field is not created/copied.
Parentheses - additional information.
Field type
Default configuration
Fields configuration
Yes (always regardless of the configuration)
Yes (always regardless of the configuration)
Yes (compared by name)
Remaining Estimate
Original Estimate
Yes (compared by name and file size)
Yes (compared by name and file size)
Default assignee from project or component
Yes (logged user)
Yes (logged user)
Affects Version/s
Yes (compared by name)
Fix Version/s
Yes (compared by name)
Issue links
No (separate configuration Copy links from TCT)
Custom fields
Yes (same custom fields in both TCT and TC contexts)
Yes (same custom fields in both TCT and TC contexts)
Issue security
No (inherited from Test Plan)
No (inherited from Test Plan)
Link with Requirement
The Link with Requirement operation allows linking requirement with the given Test Case Template. From the list of available requirements, you can select any issue and after linking its key will appear in the Requirement field.
If you configure issues that will be your requirements then the list of available requirements will be narrowed down only to the issue types you choose. Also linked Test Case Templates will be displayed in the given requirement in the Coverage panel.
To learn how to configure your requirement types see the Requirements tab in the Project Settings.
To read more about Test Case Templates and their connection to requirements, see Link with tests.
To link Test Case Template with a requirement:
Select the Link with Requirement operation from the menu More or click on the Link with Requirement from the Test information panel.
Link with Requirement operation
In the Link with requirements dialog, you can select requirements which you want to link to the Test Case Template. The list displays all the requirements available to the user. The dialog, in addition to the list, contains:
View of the Link with Requirement dialog
Search by filters - allows you to search requirements using Quick filters and Saved Jira filters.
Search bar - allows you to search requirements using Basic and Advanced (JQL) mode.
Columns - allows the user to add their own columns and change the order in which they appear in the list.
Columns headers - reflect the names of the fields selected in the Columns. You can sort the requirements list by clicking the column header when up and down arrows are displayed next to the header name. You can sort columns in descending and ascending order.
Requirements settings - this information will be visible if you select issue types in the requirement’s configuration that will represent the requirements in the project. The list shows the project key and issue types that have been configured as requirements. Only these issues will be available in the list of requirements for linking. If you want to see the full name of a project or issue type, hover your cursor over it and a tooltip with the name will appear.
Results range - shows the number of requirements per page to all and the number of requirements selected by the user.
The number of displayed requirements per page can be changed using the Page size: issue searcher dialog option. You must bear in mind that the change also affects other operations. To learn more see Global Settings.
Pagination - shows the number of pages with results.
To search specific requirements you can use Search by filters or Search bar.
With the Search bar, you can search the list using two modes: Basic and Advanced.
The Basic mode allows you to easily select data in each field. You can add more categories (fields) to your search by clicking More and selecting a field.
The Basic search does not support Sprint, Team and Link type fields.
The Advanced mode allows you to write a query in JQL. If a given query is not too complex you can switch to the Basic mode.
The Search by filters option gives you the possibility to filter requirements using Quick filters and Saved Jira filters. In the case of Quick filters, you just need to click on a filter to use it. Saved Filters will allow you to select saved filters from the list.
Each selected filter is reflected in the Search bar. Depending on the complexity, it will show up in the basic or advanced mode.
Quick filters:
Viewed recently - requirements that you last viewed.
Same Fix Version/s as [Issue key of Test Case Template] - requirements with the same Fix Version/s value as on the Test Case Template.
Same Component/s as [Issue key of Test Case Template] - requirements with the same Component/s value as on the Test Case Template.
Part of the Quick filters are based on the Component/s and Fix Version/s fields. If the fields on the Test Case Template have no values, the dedicated filters will not appear.
The Saved Jira filters list contains your favorite filters and those created by you. To find a filter that has been shared with you, enter the name of the filter in the search box.
After searching for the requirements which you want to link to the Test Case Template, the next step is to select the checkbox next to the given requirement. You can select up to 5000 records at one time using a single selection or select all (in this case, the first 5,000 records are counted). Selected requirements are added to the Summary in order from top to bottom from the currently visible list with requirements. The order of selection by the user within the display of a given list is not taken into account.
Selecting requirements
If a given requirement has already been linked to a Test Case Template, that requirement will be highlighted in the list.
Highlighted requirements that have been already linked with a particular Test Case Template
Optional: Click on Selected issues:[number] to view the list with a summary of selected requirements. In this list, you can uncheck selected requirements using the bin icon. You can also back to the previous view and deselect requirements or select more as needed.
Summary view with selected requirements
Click Confirm to link requirement/s.
You have linked requirement/s with the Test Case Template. The keys of the linked requirements are displayed in the Requirements field in the given Test Case Template.
You can change the behavior of the Requirement field, including key display type, number of values, and other options in the field settings. For more information, see TestFLO - Enhanced Issue Picker CF.
TCT view with linked requirement
Update Test Cases
This operation updates all not executed Test Cases created from the given Test Case Template. The Update Test Cases operation can be useful if you made a mistake while writing the Test Case Template and you want to change the content in the created Test Cases from the given Test Case Template.
To use the Update Test Cases operation, the user must have the Edit issue permission. The permission must be granted in the project where the Test Cases are to be updated.
You can decide which users have access to the Update Test Cases operation by granting the Update Test Cases operation permission.
In the table below you can check the list of fields that are updated from the Test Case Template to the Test Case. There are two ways to update fields. You can use the Default configuration or select specific fields using the Update TCs with fields from TCTs option in TestFLO settings.
Field type
Default configuration
Fields configuration
yes (compared by name)
yes (compared by name)
Remaining Estimate
Original Estimate
yes (compared by name and file size)
yes (compared by name and file size)
Affects Version/s
yes (compared by name)
Fix Version/s
yes (compared by name)
Issue links
Issue security
no (inherited from Test Plan)
no (inherited from Test Plan)
Custom fields
yes (all in TCT and TC context)
yes (all in TCT and TC context)
The selected option in the Update TCs with fields from TCTs configuration will be the default set of fields for the user. The default fields are available in the Fields to be updated on Test Case field in the Update Test Cases operation dialog. If the user has Set fields on Update Test Cases operation permission, they can edit the field list in the dialog. Changes made in the dialog only affect the results of the operation that the user performs. They do not change the defaults set in Update TCs with fields from TCTs configuration for other users. If the user does not have this permission, the fields will update according to the selected option in the configuration.
During the Test Cases update, you can decide if you want to reset the Steps statuses to default. This option will not reset step statuses if you apply content changes only to existing steps in the Steps panel. If the change concerns deleting or adding a step to the Steps panel, the statuses will be reset because this is a significant content interference.
To use Update Test Cases operation:
Click the Update Test Cases operation from the Test information panel or select from menu More.
In the Fields to be updated on Test Case field, you can change the set of default fields or leave it unchanged. If you want to restore the default configuration, click Reset to default.
If you do not have the Set fields on Update Test Cases operation permission, you cannot change the fields.
Check the option if you do not want to reset the step statuses to default or leave this option unchecked to reset these statuses. When the number of steps has changed then the status is always reset regardless of this option.
Select Test Cases which you want to update from given the Test Case Template.
The list displays only those Test Cases that have not been executed (their statuses are not set in the Closed statuses option from the TestFLO Settings).
After selection, click Update.
You have updated selected Test Cases from the Test Case Template.
If you have changed the default set of fields in the Fields to be updated on Test Case field when you use the operation again your change will be preserved. Changes are preserved per user.