This section provides information on how to start design tests.
To start designing tests enable the Test Repository module. To get more information see project configuration.
After enabling the Test Repository module, the Test Case Template issue type becomes available. Test Case Template is an issue with which you can define your tests. It is a template for creating future Test Cases. Test Case Template is a not executable issue type. It becomes executable when you add it to Test Plan with Create Test Cases operation. Creating templates gives you the possibility to easily manage tests and make changes to already created Test Cases from a given Test Case Template. Once written Test Case Template you can use multiple times to different Test Plans. Test Case Templates can be organized using the folder structure in Test Repository.
Test Case Template is a standard issue type. You can define your own fields and workflow the same way as for any native Jira issue.
You can create Test Case Templates individually or in bulk using Create TCTs In Bulk operation.
Test Case Template contains specific elements such as: