Apps documentation
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
Release notes
Last updated May 23, 2023

Frameworks and tools

For each type of output file of automated tests, Test Cases will be created in a dedicated manner. Below you will find a description of how Test Cases are created from interpreted test results.



Test Case steps are overwritten each time the Run automated tests operation is finished and automated tests results are imported from the CI server. Be aware of this when you want to create Test Cases from Test Case Templates. The steps from TCT will be copied into TC, and can then be overwritten by automated tests results from Cucumber.

  1. For the Cucumber type, each test scenario from the feature file is represented as a Test Case in the Test Plan. Test Cases can have one of two statuses: Pass or Fail.

    The Fail status for the Test Case will appear when at least one of the steps in the Steps field is failed.

    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of Test Plan with Test Cases created from CI Server
  2. The Summary of the Test Case consists of the feature name and the scenario name separated by a colon.
    Cucumber tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of the Test Case created from the Cucumber test results
  3. In the Steps field, each Cucumber step is presented as a separate row (step). The keywords Given, When, Then, And are bolded.
    Cucumber tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of the Cucumber steps in TestFLO Steps field
  4. Steps statuses are based on the Cucumber step status mapping in the project configuration.

    Learn more about status mapping on the Test Automation project configuration page.


    When changing step statuses is disabled, the Jenkins and Bamboo plugins can still update them when importing Cucumber results.

  5. If the feature file contains parameters then each parameter set for a scenario becomes a new step group. The group name is the name of the scenario followed by a scenario index number coming from the Cucumber output file.
    Cucumber tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of the Steps field separated into steps groups where each group is a given parameter from the feature file
  6. For better identification of failed tests, a error log appears in the given test step as an attached text file. The file name contains the name of the iteration in which the error occurred.

    If you rerun the same failed Test Case in the same iteration, the attached file in the step will be:

    • overwritten if the result of the next run fails again
    • deleted if it passes.

    If you rerun the same failed Test Case in the next iteration then all files (error logs) from previous iterations are preserved.

    Cucumber tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    Attached error log and link to the build on the CI Server
  7. Test Case is linked to a given run/build on the CI Server.


  1. For the JUnit type, each test in the class is represented as a Test Case in the Test Plan. Test Cases can have one of two statuses: Pass or Fail.
    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of Test Plan with Test Cases created from CI Server
  2. The Summary of the Test Case consists of the class name and the test method name.
    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of Test Case created from CI Server
  3. For better identification of failed tests, a stack trace for error appears in the Description field.
  4. Test Case is linked to a given run/build on the CI Server.


  1. For the TestNG type, each test in the class is represented as a Test Case in the Test Plan. Test Cases can have one of two statuses: Pass or Fail.
    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of Test Plan with Test Cases created from CI Server
  2. The Summary of the Test Case consists of the class name and the test method name.
    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of Test Case created from CI Server
  3. For better identification of failed tests, a stack trace for error appears in the Description field.
  4. Test Case is linked to a given run/build on the CI Server.


  1. For the NUnit type, each test in the class is represented as a Test Case in the Test Plan. Test Cases can have one of two statuses: Pass or Fail.
    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of Test Plan with Test Cases created from CI Server
  2. The Summary of the Test Case consists of the class name and the test method name.
    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    View of Test Case created from CI Server
  3. For better identification of failed tests, a stack trace for error appears in the Description field.
  4. Test Case is linked to a given run/build on the CI Server.
  5. If the tests are parameterized, each parameter in given test is imported as a separate Step. Step name consists of the last part of the test name with the parameter.

    For example a test with a full name attribute equal to DeduceTypeArgsFromArgs<Double,Double>(100.0d,42).TestMyArgTypes, Step name will contain only TestMyArgTypes(5,7)

    Automated tests in TestFLO Test Management in Jira
    Test Case view with Steps created from parameterized NUnit tests