Apps documentation
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management
Release notes
Articles & Videos
Last updated Oct 22, 2021

List theme

Learn how to configure and use the List theme

List theme provides a clean and formal look of your Customer Portals or Requests types that appear on your sites.

List theme overview
List theme overview

Quick configuration

You can quickly set up a list theme using one of the available templates.


  1. Navigate to the Manage apps screen and access Configuration under the Theme Extension section.
    List theme configuration
    List theme configuration

Alternatively, go to the Configuration page visible under the Theme Extension section which can be accessed by clicking Project settings and scrolling down.

List theme configuration
List theme configuration

  1. Select the List theme.
  2. Click Next.
    Jira Service Management theme selection
    Jira Service Management theme selection
  3. Select one of the templates and click Next.
    Template selection
    Template selection
  4. Click Apply.
    Applying template
    Applying template
  5. Click Publish.
    Template publishing
    Template publishing


List theme is applied to your site.

Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Result
Theme Extension for Jira Service Management - Result


You can save the theme without making it visible to customers. In order to do so, click Save as and change the name of the theme.

Saving the template for later use
Saving the template for later use

You can further customize your theme by changing colors, announcement banners and more. To read detailed instructions, go to List editor.

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