App page
Issue Templates for Jira
Cloud Server/Data Center
Issue Templates for Jira


Server/Data Center

Release notes
Migration to Cloud
Last updated Sep 20, 2021

App permissions

Issue Templates for Jira integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Act on a user’s behalf, even when the user is offline
  • Administer the host application
  • Administer Jira projects
  • Delete data from the host application
  • Write data to the host application
  • Read data from the host application
Scope REST API Purpose
Read Searching the issues, + many more
Write DELETE /rest/api/3/issueLink/{linkId}
Connect app scope required: DELETE
Deleting an issue link
When a link points to the template from which we are creating the issue, the link is deleted and then a new link is created pointing to the new issue.
Project admin POST /rest/api/3/project
Connect app scope required: PROJECT_ADMIN
Creating the Templates Repository during the onboarding.
Admin PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}?overrideScreenSecurity=true
Connect app users with admin permissions (from user permissions and app scopes) can override the screen security configuration using overrideScreenSecurity and overrideEditableFlag.
Updating the issue and ignoring the screen settings.
Act as user Updating an issue as a user.