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Extension for Jira Service Management
Cloud Server/Data Center
Extension for Jira Service Management


Server/Data Center

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Last updated Jun 4, 2020

Rich Text

This section provides information on how to use the Rich Text custom field on the Customer Portal.

Rich Text custom field allows to add text and edit its formatting, style, and size. In addition, you can create lists and embed links, quotes, or code snippets.

  • Remember to add the field to the issue screen and to the request type.
  • To check your settings, go to: Project Settings > Request Types > Edit fields > Add a field.
  • For more information on adding a custom field, see official Atlassian documentation.

Create a Rich Text custom field


Before you start, log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.


To create a Rich Text custom field:

  1. Go to Jira Administration > Issues > Custom fields in the Fields section.
  2. Click Add custom field at the right side of the screen.
  3. Choose Deviniti [Extension] - Rich Text in the Advanced section and click Next.
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
    The Configure ‘Deviniti [Extension] - Rich Text’ Field dialog box appears.
  4. Configure the following:
    • Name: enter a field name.
    • Description: enter a field description.
  5. Click Create.
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
  6. Associate your custom field to the appropriate screens.
  7. Click Update.
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal


A new custom field is created.

Use a Rich Text custom field

  1. Add a new Rich Text field to the appropriate request type.
  2. Raise a request.
  3. Rich your text.
    Format options: Text styles, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Code, Subscript, Superscript, Text color, Bullet List, Numbered List, Link, Table, Quote, and Horizontal rule.
  4. Click Create.
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
  5. Go to the request detail view.
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
    Extension for Jira Service Management - Rich text editor on Customer Portal
Added Rich Text field is also displayed in the issue view.

Rich Text in the email notifications

In order to insert Rich Text editor in the HTML-generated email notifications, add the formattedrichtext.vm template to issuecreated.vm.

#set ($customfield = $customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_10701"))
#set($customFieldValueWithHtml = $issue.getCustomFieldValue($customfield))
        <td class="has-icon">

Changing the renderer

Keep in mind that in order for the Rich Text editor to display in Email notifications, you need to change the active renderer for the Rich Text custom field.


  1. Go to Jira Administration > Issues.
  2. Open Field configuration.
  3. Select the Field Configuration that contains your custom field.
  4. Click Configure.
  5. Navigate to the chosen Deviniti [Extension] Rich Text custom field and click Renderers.
  6. Select Rich Text Renderer.
  7. Click Update to save the changes.
Rich Text custom field renderer
Rich Text custom field renderer
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