Apps documentation
Help (Conditions Validator)
Help (Conditions Validator)
Release notes
Last updated Dec 22, 2021

Hint Button

Display a button that will take users directly to the Conditions Validator tab

Hint Button is a shortcut improving the Conditions Validator tab’s visibility. It shows information about the workflow right on the top of the issue. Clicking it opens the Conditions Validator tab below, so no one will ever miss it.

Help - Configuration of the Hint Button
Help - Configuration of the Hint Button



To set up a hint button on Jira issue view:

  1. Go to Jira Administration > Manage apps.
  2. Open Hint Button from the Conditions Validator app navigation.
  3. Check the box next to ON/OFF to make the Hint Button visible.
  4. Check the box next to Show hint always to make the hint visible even if all transitions are available.
  5. Provide the Hint text that will be displayed as the button’s label.
    • Character limit is 255.
    • Only plain text is supported.
  6. Select a Hint icon (or choose none if you don’t want to display any icon).
  7. Select a Jira group or groups and click Add to limit the visibility of the hint only to the selected group(s). (If nothing is selected, the hint is visible to everyone.)
  8. Remember to Save the configuration when it’s finished.
Help - Configuration of the Hint Button
Help - Configuration of the Hint Button


The hint button is visible on the Jira issue view.

Help - Configuration of the Hint Button: Result
Help - Configuration of the Hint Button: Result
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