Apps documentation
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
Release notes
Last updated Apr 19, 2019

Permissions tab

The TestFLO project permissions allow to grant a different level of access to use TestFLO operations. If you want to grant permission for a specific user, group or role without changing the global settings, you can do this with the project’s permission settings.


This option overrides the TestFLO Global Permissions.

Permissions in project settings

Permissions overview

Permission Description
Next Test Plan Iteration With this permission, you allow users to creating next test plan iteration. This operation is available on Test Plan. To get more information see Next iteration.
Reset Test Plan Iteration With this permission, you allow users to use the Reset current iteration. This operation is available on Test Plan. To get more information see Reset current iteration.

Override global permissions

Turn on


To turn on the Override global permissions

  1. Click slider Override global permissions.
  2. Grant or Remove permissions like in the TestFLO Global Permissions.
    Override global permissions in project settings


The TestFLO Global Permissions have been overwritten.

Turn off

To disable the Override global permissions setting in the project just click on the slider. Permissions will be reset and project will use the TestFLO Global Permissions.


Resetting project permissions will remove any changes made in permissions.