Custom PFR panels can be created to enhance the visibility in other areas, not necessarily connected with test management.
To create a custom PFR panel:
Click Add Panel to view Issue Panel Configuration.
Fill the all necessary information. Below you can find a description of settings:
Panel title - the name of the panel. It’s a good practice to name the panel according to its contents.
Project - the project in which the panel will be displayed.
Issue type - the type of issues on which the panel will be displayed.
JQL - JQL query filtering the issues displayed in the panel.
Placeholder condition - dynamic JQL condition based on the field value of the issue viewed added to the JQL query.
Columns config - configuration of columns displayed in the PFR panel. User can use one of the default column sets or choose Custom configuration to set dedicated columns for this panel.
3. Click Update to save panel.
Panel was added to the list and appeared in the selected issue type.