Apps documentation
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
Release notes
Last updated May 23, 2023

Bamboo integration

Integrating Bamboo with TestFLO by installing the TestFLO Integration for Bamboo plugin will allow you to publish build test results and import them as Test Cases right to Test Plans. The plugin provides a new build task in Final tasks and parameterization in the configuration of a Bamboo plan. It supports testing frameworks and tools:

  • JUnit (XML)
  • TestNG (XML)
  • Cucumber (JSON)
  • NUnit (XML)

Follow by Atlassian End of Life policy we support Bamboo versions for two years after the first major iteration of that version was released.

Compatibility with TestFLO app

Bamboo plugin version TestFLO app version
1.3.0 8.10.1 and higher
1.2.0 8.10.0
1.1.0 8.9.0
1.0.1 8.0.0 to 8.8.1

Installing the plugin


To install TestFLO Integration for Bamboo plugin:

  1. Go to the Bamboo Administration > Manage apps > Find new apps.
  2. Search the TestFLO Integration for Bamboo in the search bar.
  3. After the plugin display in the list click the Install button.
  4. Confirm app installation by clicking on the Accept & install button.


You have installed the TestFLO Integration for Bamboo plugin.



To configure the Bamboo plan:

  1. Go to the Build > All build plans > Build dashboard.

  2. Select a plan and click the Configure plan (pencil icon).

    Bamboo plan configuration
    Bamboo plan configuration

  3. Select a job in the Stages tab to which you want to add a task.

  4. Click Add task in the Tasks tab.

  5. Search the TestFLO - Test results publisher task and click on it to add.

    Adding the TestFLO - Test results publisher task
    Adding the TestFLO - Test results publisher task

  6. Fill in the fields:

    • Jira URL - URL to Jira instance, which receives test results.
    • Username - Jira user login.
    • Password - Jira user password.
      Adding the TestFLO - Test results publisher task
      Adding the TestFLO - Test results publisher task
  7. In the Test output file format select test result file format. You can choose from:

    • JUnit (XML)
    • TestNG (XML)
    • Cucumber (JSON)
    • NUnit (XML)

      The given build must contain tests of the type indicated in this option only.

  8. In the Test results files fill the path from which task gets test results files. By default, the field is completed with the **/target/surefire-reports/*.xml value.

  9. The task will automatically populate with the following default values:

    • ${bamboo.testPlanKey} - Test Plan Key parameter contains the issue key of Test Plan in which Test Cases will be created from test results.
    • ${bamboo.testCaseCreationStrategy} - Test Case creation strategy parameter tells whether new Test Cases should be created with test results, or only limited to updating existing Test Cases in Test Plan. This parameter supports the following options:
    • ${bamboo.targetIteration} - Target iteration tells whether to add Test Cases to current iteration in Test Plan or to create new. This parameter supports the following options:
  10. Missing Test Plan key parameter behavior - when the task doesn’t get Jira Test Plan issue key, it can either skip this task or fail it. The Fail task is set by default.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Drag and drop the TestFLO - Test results publisher task to the Final tasks category.


You have saved the configuration. Now you can run your tests from the Test Plan using the Run automated tests operation.