Apps documentation
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
TestFLO - Test Management for Jira
Release notes
Last updated May 23, 2023

Requirement Test Execution Report

This report shows the overall state of test execution for requirements in a version. In clearly way you can verify the testing status of single requirements as well as the aggregated progress for a whole version.


The report is available once the Jira issues have been selected from the specific project to be considered as requirements. This configuration is located in the Project settings > Test Management > Requirements tab.
For more information see Requirements tab.


To show up in the report, the issues need to be connected in a specific way. Below, in the connection structure, you can find the description of the relationship between Requirements, Test Case and Defects.

Requirement Test Execution Report in TestFLO Test Management
Connection structure in the Requirement Test Execution Report


To use the Requirement Test Execution Report

  1. Click on Projects in main bar in Jira and select project from list.
  2. Click on Test Reports on left side.
    Report with TestFLO Jira Test Management
  3. Choose the Requirement Test Execution Report.


View of Requirement Test Execution Report.

Report with TestFLO Jira Test Management


To obtain an appropriate range of data you can filter the Requirements and Test Cases with built-in filters that refer to the Fix Version/s field and connection with a given requirement or use saved filters. Each filter list has its own searching categories. The filters selected in the Requirements and Test Cases add up and do not represent a part of the common.


Each category is displayed in the filter list when at least one value matches that category.

Traceability Report in TestFLO Test Management
Filtering in the Requirement Traceability Report

Requirements filtering

You can filter the Requirements by selecting the appropriate filter value from the list. To search specific value enter a phrase in the search bar. To remove a value from filtering, click the cross next to the unwanted value.

Category: filter Description
Fix version is assigned Filters all requirements that have a value set in the Fix Version/s field.
No fix version is assigned Filters all requirements that don’t have a value set in the Fix Version/s field.
Released versions In this category, you can filter the requirements with a given version set in the Fix Version/s field. The category lists only the released versions.
Unreleased versions In this category, you can filter the requirements with a given version set in the Fix Version/s field. The category lists only unreleased versions.
Own & favourite Jira filters In this category, you can filter requirements using defined filters in the Issue Navigator. In the list of filters, you will see only the filters you created and your favorites. You can search for shared filters by other users by typing the name in the search bar.

Test Cases filtering

You can filter the Test Cases by selecting the appropriate filter value from the list. To search specific value enter a phrase in the search bar. To remove a value from filtering, click the cross next to the unwanted value.

Category: filter Description
Fix version is assigned Filters all Test Cases that have a value set in the Fix Version/s field.
No fix version is assigned Filters all Test Cases that don’t have a value set in the Fix Version/s field.
Requirement connection: TCs connected with the requirement directly Filters Test Cases that are directly connected to the requirement from the Requirements column via the Requirement field.
Requirement connection: TCs in Test Plan connected with the requirement directly Narrows the Test Cases down to the ones present in a Test Plan in which the Requirement field contains the requirement from the Requirement Key column of this report.
Released versions In this category, you can filter the Test Cases with a given version set in the Fix Version/s field. The category lists only the released versions.
Unreleased versions In this category, you can filter the Test Cases with a given version set in the Fix Version/s field. The category lists only unreleased versions.
Version of Test Plan containing TCs In this category, you can filter Test Cases based on the Fix Version/s field from the Test Plan to which these Test Cases belong. The Test Plan and requirement match the same value in the Fix Version/s field.
Own & favourite Jira filters In this category, you can filter Test Cases using defined filters in the Issue Navigator. In the list of filters, you will see only the filters you created and your favorites. You can search for shared filters by other users by typing the name in the search bar.

Execution status

Statuses visible in the Execution status column shows aggregate progress of Test Cases connected with a given requirement.

Displaying statuses in execution status column is based on the Test Case statuses. You can determine which Test Case statuses will be treated as Pass (Passed statuses option) or Fail (Failed statuses option) in TestFLO Settings. Other Test Case statuses that haven’t been selected in these two categories will be treated as Not Execute.


To set statuses for Execution status column see TestFLO Settings.

The Execution status is a status that indicates the overall state of tests of a requirement based on the rule:

  • Pass - requirement with all Test Cases on passed status.
  • Fail - requirement with at least one Test Case on failed status
  • Not Executed - requirement with Test Cases where all statuses are neither failed nor passed
  • No Tests - requirement with no Test Cases at all

Summary and Execution progress

Summary section displays information about the number of requirements and its execution statuses. The results of each category can be displayed in Issue Navigator. Click on a certain category and you will be directed to Issue Navigator.

Execution progress section shows the progress of execution included in percent and on the progress bar.

Report with TestFLO Jira Test Management


Use sorting in the results table by using the arrows in the columns:

  • Requirement Key (ASC, DESC),
  • Execution status (Sort order: Fail, Not Executed, No Tests, Pass).

Details preview

Under each number displayed in the Test Cases and Defects column, you can check the list of results and their details. To see which Test Cases or Defects are connected for a certain requirement, click on the number in the Test Cases or Defects column. You will see a popup with issues details.

Report with TestFLO Jira Test Management
List of Test Cases details
Report with TestFLO Jira Test Management
List of Defects details

To quickly navigate to the requirement, Test Case or Defect just click on the issue key.