This field is used to represent the standard issue status with a colored lozenge. The default color palette of statuses is limited and thanks to TestFLO - Issue color status field you can additionally map the statuses to other, more appropriate colors. In TestFLO, this field is used to more clearly identify the Test Case and Test Plan statuses. These are, respectively, the TC Status field on the Test Case and TP Status on the Test Plan. These fields are also an indispensable element in reports.
A more precise status color helps to quickly identify the status of a given issue. For example, the Fail status of the Test Case in the TC Status field is red (the standard status is green):
TestFLO - Issue color status field helps to visualize the Test Case status not only in the issue view but also in reports:
You can use the TestFLO - Issue color status field to map the statuses of other issue types as well. All you have to do is add this field and configure it in Jira Administration.
Based on which issue type you have chosen in the Applicable contexts for scheme, you need to properly map each workflow status of this issue type. Statuses that you do not map will take the default color.
To map status:
You have mapped the statuses.