Apps documentation
Issue SYNC for Jira Cloud
Issue SYNC for Jira Cloud
Architecture & Versions
Migration path
Last updated Nov 1, 2020


Do I need to install Issue Sync app on all synchronized Jira instances?

Yes, it’s necessary to have Issue Sync installed and active on all Jira instances that you wish to synchronize. Issue Sync on your local Cloud instance sends synchronization data that is being processed by our server and then passed to Issue Sync on the partner instance. In order to send, read and perform the requested changes, the plugin needs to be active on both environments.

You can purchase an app license in the name of your partner. To do so, contact our Sales Department at

Clone tickets between two Jira cloud instances

If you want to copy some tickets to another Jira instance, we probably would recommend using Bulk Synchronization feature which is only for IssueSYNC DC:

However, this feature can be simulated in cloud too. Here what you should do:

  • Change workflow in “old” Jira by adding temporary transition from given status to itself.
  • Use custom event on this new transition.
  • Set your event in create trigger.
  • Execute bulk transition.
  • At this point tickets should be replicated in other Jira instance if configuration was done properly.
  • Remove temporary transition / cleaning configuration.

What is the communication protocol between Jiras?

Communication protocol between Jiras is http/https.

How issues are connected with each other? What about the key?

If Jira-ONE instance has issue key ABC-XXXX, the Jira-TWO will not have exactly the same issue key. Issue key is generated from project key and sequence number. So it is more likely that in Jira-TWO there will be issue with key like DEF-YYYY.

However, issues are linked between instances so it is possible to reveal ABC-XXXX in Jira-TWO (and vice versa).

Can we update existing issues, or does synchronization affect only new issues?

Depending on configuration synchronization can:

  • Only create issues from Jira-ONE to Jira-TWO
  • Create and synchronize updates from Jira-ONE to Jira-TWO
  • Create and synchronize updates from Jira-ONE to Jira-TWO and Jira-TWO to Jira-ONE

So basically, different scenarios are possible.

We’d like to specify multiple issue types per contract. Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible.

One Jira is DC and the other Jira is Cloud. Would this be a problem?

It might be. We do provide functionality of synchronizing issues between Jira DC <-> Jira Cloud but there are some limitations.

Be aware of that IssueSYNC for Jira DC provides more features, which can not to be replicated in Jira Cloud. The problem is Jira Cloud does not allow manipulating data in such a range as Jira DC.

Contract setup also looks a bit different.

You are free to synchronize issues (fields, workflows, comments, attachments)

My changes are not synchronize while other users are. What is wrong?

There can be two simple reasons of such situation:

  • Your username is used as Technical User (see Connection configuration), and so your changes are not synchronized by design.
  • There is a query in Contract configuration that filters your issues out.

Technical user cannot modify existing issues in selected project!

Technical user must have all permissions for project, so please grant this permissions to Technical User.

I do not see remote contract, so I can not finish local contract setup!

In order to see remote contract, administrator or remote Jira instance needs to provide “Create/Update triggers” in Outgoing configuration and setup Incoming configuration.

Can I Synchronize worklogs?

At the moment we do not provide such a functionality for Jira Cloud due to its limitations. We do plan to introduce this feature for Jira Cloud in the future.