Apps documentation
Issue Templates for Jira
Cloud Server/Data Center
Issue Templates for Jira


Server/Data Center

Release notes
Migration to Cloud
Last updated Apr 16, 2023

General tab

Learn how to add a category and description to your templates

Here is what you can configure in the General tab (scroll down to read descriptions):

Jira Issue Templates - Template Navigator: General tab
Issue Templates for Jira - Template Navigator: General tab
  1. Template name
    The summary you provided while creating the template will automatically become your template’s name. You can change it if you wish, in order to easily find it later.


    Please remember that the property called Template name is not the same as the template’s Summary (which is a Jira field). If you’d like them to be the same, you need to edit both.

  2. Category
    You can add a category that will help you group your templates within the Template Repository and have a better overview of them. It proves to be very useful for larger repositories, since you can group the templates by category in the Template Navigator.

  3. Template description
    Here you can add a description that will be visible for the users when they select this template on the screen.

  4. Description for administrators
    If you don’t want everyone to see the template description, turn on the toggle and add a separate description for administrators.

  5. Links/subtasks duplication
    If your template includes stories, subtasks, or any linked issues, they will be created every time you reapply it to the same issue. If you’d like to stop it and apply only the parent template, turn on the toggle.

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