This page provide information about Test Case execution.
After creating Test Cases on the Test Plan, you can start processing test execution. By default, the Test Case has its own workflow, which is based on five statuses: Open, In progress, Pass, Fail and Retest. You can start running Test Cases using default workflow or change it and adapt to your project needs.
You can configure Test Case workflow in the same way as other workflows in Jira.
The next step of processing Test Case is execute test steps. After preparing the test environment and meeting all the preconditions, you can start executing the steps. There are three ways to change execution status of steps in Steps panel:
To change single step status, hover over the status in the appropriate step and click on the one that indicates the step execution.
To bulk change you can use the Status button. Click on the Status and choose appriopriate execution status for all steps.
If the steps are divided into groups, you can change the status for a single step or use the Change option and change the status of the whole group of steps.
Each step contains operations under one button. With its help it is possible to:
During the Test Case execution, you can find a defect. You can create new defects for whole Test Case or a specific step. You can also link existing defects to Test Case or attach it to a given step.
1a. Create Defect on Test Case using Create Defect operation.
1b. Create defect on a particular step. The issue key of created defect will be visible in Defects section on a step.
To get more information about Create Defect operation see Test Case operations.
2a. Link existing defect with a Test Case.
2b. Link existing defect to a step.
To get more information, see Link with Defect operation.
One Test Case can be execute many times in many Test Plan iterations. Each execution details is stored in Test executions tab.