App page
Requirements and Test Management for Jira
Cloud Server/Data Center
Requirements and Test Management for Jira


Server/Data Center

Release notes
Migration to Cloud
Last updated Aug 4, 2021


This chapter provides information about Defects.

Defect can be defined as an error or bug that appears during the test execution. As a result of finding such bugs in Test Case Execution, tester creates a defect. Defects are related to the whole Test Case.

  • In RTM app Defect is a separate issue type. Make sure you have added defect issue type to the RTM project.
  • Remember, defects tree will be available only if you define project with defects as the same one in which you store requirements and tests. If you choose several projects, the defects tree will not be visible. To check your settings, go to: RTM Configuration > Issue Types > Defects.
You can save your filters. Created filters are available in following sections: Requirements, Test Cases, Test Plans, Test Executions, and Defects.

Defect can have different root causes. It can relate to the current Test Case Execution or be an unclassified bug.

Those defects, which are clear and easy to classify, can be created from Test Case Execution level. Ones that appear as a separate problem and cannot be linked with any Test Case, are created in Test Management section (Test Management > Defects > Add defect).

Software testing tool Jira
Defects with Requirements and Test Management for Jira app

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