This section provides information on adding and editing transitions
Before you start, log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permissions.
Create an Edit transition
To set configuration:
Choose Projects from the top navigation bar.
Choose the service project you want to configure.
From the service project sidebar, select Project settings and create a request type, for example: Business trip, issue type: Task.
Go to the Workflows section.
Click on the workflow (in our example: with Task issue type).
Go to Edit in the top right corner.
Click Add transition.
The Add Transition dialog box appears.
Set the transition from Any status to Itself.
Click Add.
Once you are finished, click Publish.
The Edit transition is created.
Bear in mind that the Actions app is based on standard Jira transitions, therefore adding a transition to the workflow affects not only Customer Portal but also Jira view.
To hide an added transition, define a specific condition which can show the transition only to users having particular roles assigned, e.g. Service Desk Customers roles. In this way, all users without the particular roles assigned, won’t see and execute the indicated transition.
To define a condition:
Go to Project settings > Workflows > Edit then select the transition you want to edit, and click Conditions.
Next, click Add condition and select: Only users in project role Service Desk Customers can execute this transition.
Configure an Edit transition with Workflow Actions
Select transition
To set configuration:
Go to Jira Administration > Manage Apps.
Select Workflow Actions from the menu in the Actions for Jira Service Management section.
Go to Add or Edit transition > Transition and select a proper transition.
This app is dedicated only for service projects, therefore choose transitions for service workflows.
To add a workflow action to the Customer Portal, select the transition from the list. Take a look at the transition’s ID and workflow name. It is important to select the proper transition. Remember, the same transition ID may exist in different workflows.
If you want to find a specific transition by typing its name, remember to type a transition name, not project name.
Check transition ID number
Explanation of notation
Edit (131): Edit - name of the transition 131 - ID number
To check ID number:
Choose Projects at the top of the screen.
Choose the service project.
Go to your workflow and click the pen icon.
Go to Export > As XML.
Check ID number.
The transition ID number is copied to clipboard.
Set a Display name
Type the name of the transition shown on the Customer Portal. If you want to set a different name than workflow action name translated by i18n. You can leave this field empty and display name will be copied from the workflow.
Customize the name of the transition by adding an emoji. There are several ways you can do it:
Access emojis through the right mouse button using the Emoji option (on Windows).
Use the Windows logo key + period (.) combination (on Windows).
Use the Fn + E combination (on Mac).
Use an external emoji copy tool.
Transition display name on the Customer Portal:
Thanks to Actions’compatibility with Theme Extension, your transition set in the Actions app is displayed on the themed Customer portal, while the transition’s link visible on Request Details View is well noticeable by presenting the transition icon.
Hide empty fields
Hide fields which are empty when editing the issue.
Hide empty fields option on the Customer Portal:
No Hide empty fields option on the Customer Portal:
Set a description which will be shown on the transition screen on the Customer Portal.
Transition description on the Customer Portal:
Attachments and validation
Validation is a way to check if the field values inserted by a customer meet your previously set criteria. For example, you can check if the text value doesn’t exceed the character limit. To do that, insert your Custom Validator URL into the field.
If you allow the customers to include attachments to their requests, you can choose if they should be added before, or after the transition is validated.
Custom Validator URL needs to be a relative link starting with a “/” mark.
The standard Jira validation process will occur regardless if a custom validator is set.
In case of an unsuccessful validation, the attachments are added after the transition will not be added to the request, nor will they be available for post functions.
Added fields and custom fields are shown on transition screen on the Customer Portal and customer can edit them.
Remember, at the beginning add fields to the proper screen.
To add fields to the screen, go to Jira Administration > Issues > Custom fields > Add custom field.
Supported custom field types: Single Text, Multi Text Line, Date Picker, Single Select, Multi Select, Bundled Fields from Extension for Jira Service Management.
You can change the fields order by drag and drop.
Read more about Supported fields and find out whether your target field is supported by our app.
Fields are added to the configuration.
Added fields on the Customer Portal:
Options for editing or deleting configuration are at the right of the table:
Hide characters: Mark it if you want to have a text hidden behind asterisks. When you fill in the form on Customer Portal the text is hidden behind asterisks, but in the request detail view the text is revealed.
In created request detail view the text is visible, but if you want to edit your request, the text is hidden behind asterisks.
Hide characters option on the Customer Portal:
No Hide characters option on the Customer Portal:
Notify on comment: If you want to get e-mail notifications about entered comments and statuses changing after adding comments during executing a transition.
Comment which is entered during the transition is added as an internal (notification) comment and also as a public one.
Make it required: If you want to make fields required. Required fields on the Customer Portal:
Make it optional: If you want to make fields optional. Optional fields on the Customer Portal:
Remove: If you want to remove fields from the screen.
Removed Rooms field on the Customer Portal:
Click Add.
The Edit transition is added to the Transitions and screens section.
Transitions and screens
Options for editing or deleting configuration are at the right of the table:
Description: If you hover the mouse pointer over the eye icon, the description will be displayed.
Show fields: If you want to see which fields are added.
In Fields Preview section you can see added fields and which of them are required or optional.
Click Close to go back to the previous page.
Edit: If you want to edit your settings, click the pen icon.
Translate: If you want to translate transition, click the second icon in the Action section.
The Translate transition dialog box appears.
If you want to display a configuration in the German language by choosing de language code, the Display name and Description will be identically translated you set it below.
Set configuration and click Save and then Close to go back to the previous page.
Delete: If you want to delete a transition from the list, click the cross icon.
Deleting a transition will result in the loss of all associated data.
Result of deleting the transition from the list:
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