Apps documentation
Electronic Signature for Jira
Electronic Signature for Jira
Release notes
Last updated Aug 25, 2021


Learn how to configure Electronic Signature global settings


Before you start, log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

First steps

All the settings described in this chapter will be applied globally, to all screens where the Electronic Signature custom field has been added.


To open the Electronic Signature global configuration page:

  1. Go to Jira Administration > Manage apps.
  2. Select Configuration from the Electronic Signature app navigation.
Electronic Signature for Jira - Global configuration
Electronic Signature for Jira - Global configuration


The configuration page appears.


Here’s an overview of all available settings. Scroll down to read their descriptions.

Electronic Signature for Jira - Global configuration: Options' overview
Electronic Signature for Jira - Global configuration: Options' overview

Click on the title to see more information:

  1. Autocomplete with current user
  2. Signature is optional
  3. Username comparation method
  4. Only the last snapshot
  5. Force current user’s credentials
  6. Disable field’s description
  7. Signature PDF as Issue attachment in Jira Customer portal
  8. Maximum invalid login attempts
  9. Exclude custom fields from the snapshot PDF
  10. Select for which roles the Electronic Signature will be available
  11. Enable Required Signature Panel
  12. Minimal required signatures
  13. Enable User Picker

Remember to save the changes every time you change the configuration.

Autocomplete with current user

When this option is enabled, the custom field is automatically populated with the username of the currently logged in user.


Credentials of the currently logged in user being auto-populated in the Electronic Signature custom field:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Autocomplete the custom field with current user's credentials
Electronic Signature for Jira - Autocomplete the custom field with current user's credentials

Signature is optional

Enabling this option makes signature optional on the screens. This means that even if a user doesn’t provide any credentials, the issue will pass the transition.

Username comparation method

By enabling this option you’ll make the Username field case-sensitive.


Error message displayed after a user provides a username that isn’t case-sensitive:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Make the username field case-sensitive
Electronic Signature for Jira - Make the username field case-sensitive

Only the last snapshot

Enable this option to display only the last snapshot under Signatures in the issue Activity section.


Signatures tab on the issue view when only the last snapshot is displayed:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Show only the latest snapshot
Electronic Signature for Jira - Show only the latest snapshot

Learn more in the PDF snapshots chapter.

Force current user’s credentials

Selecting this option allows only the currently logged in user to sign off the issue.


Error message displayed after a user provides other credentials:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Force current user's credentials
Electronic Signature for Jira - Force current user's credentials

Disable field’s description

Select this option to hide the following hint text displayed by default under the Electronic Signature custom field: Enter valid credentials to sign this record. This is in compliance with the FDA regulation CFR part 11.


Electronic Signature custom field without field description:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Hidden field description
Electronic Signature for Jira - Hidden field description

Signature PDF as Issue attachment in Jira Customer portal

Select this option to add PDF snapshots as attachments on the Customer portal. A link to the PDF will also be displayed as an external comment.


PDF snapshot attached to a request on the Customer portal:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Signature PDF as an attachment on the Customer portal
Electronic Signature for Jira - Signature PDF as an attachment on the Customer portal

Learn more in the PDF snapshots chapter.

Maximum invalid login attempts

Set the number of failed login attempts that will cause a signature to be locked. The default is zero (0) which means that the signature will never be locked.


To unlock the signature, go to Invalid attempts logs and click Clear history.

Exclude custom fields from the snapshot PDF

Select fields that you don’t want to show on the exported PDF.


Hold the Ctrl key and click the items in the list to select more than one of them.


Learn more in the PDF snapshots chapter.

Select for which roles the Electronic Signature will be available

Choose roles to narrow down the group of users who are allowed to sign off issues and make transitions.

If no roles are selected, the validation will be ignored. Otherwise, the user needs to be assigned to any of the selected roles (in at least one project) to pass the validation.


Error message displayed when a user who is not assigned to any of the selected roles tries to provide their credentials:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Select for which roles the Electronic Signature will be available
Electronic Signature for Jira - Select for which roles the Electronic Signature will be available

To limit the number of users allowed to sign off an issue even more, go to Custom field settings.

Enable Required Signature Panel

Select this option to display how many signatures are required to authorize a transition and how many have already been given. The numbers will be displayed in a dedicated panel on the issue view. You can specify the number of required signatures in the next option.


Required Signature Panel only shows the information about the number of unique users who provided their credentials. It doesn’t prevent the progress of the issue, even if not all required signatures are given. In order to block an issue transition until a signature is given, you can use the Electronic Signature validator.


Required Signature Panel on the issue view:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Required Signature Panel on the issue view
Electronic Signature for Jira - Required Signature Panel on the issue view

Minimal required signatures

Type in the number of signatures that are necessary to sign off an issue. In order to display it, select Enable Required Signature Panel right above this option.


If more than one signature is required, all approvers can provide their credentials in one custom field. After one signature passes the validation (so that the issue gets created, edited, or transitioned successfully), the custom field is being cleared and another user may safely provide their credentials. The only information that’s being saved by the app is that a certain user signed the issue (successfully or not). All the details are displayed in the Signatures section on the issue view.


Number of Minimal required signatures on the issue view:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Number of Minimal required signatures on the issue view
Electronic Signature for Jira - Number of Minimal required signatures on the issue view

Enable User Picker

Choose this option to turn the Username field into a User Picker (single user). This setting makes it easier to sign off issues while using Jira on mobile devices.


Only users allowed to sign off this particular issue will be displayed in the drop-down list.


Electronic Signature custom field as a User Picker:

Electronic Signature for Jira - Enable User Picker
Electronic Signature for Jira - Enable User Picker
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