Learn basic facts about templates
Template is a Jira issue that can be replicated any number of times. It allows you to copy the fields and their contents into new issues you create. Depending on your needs, it can copy values into selected fields or create a complex structure of issues, including linked epics with stories and subtasks.
Templates get created in the Template Repository - a Jira Business project that appears right after installing Issue Templates for Jira. Read more about it the First steps chapter.
First thing you’ll need to know, is how to create and edit a single template.
To create a template:
The template is ready to be used.
There are two ways you can further refine your new template:
You can make changes to your templates at any time, you just need to have the Edit issue permission. See the Permissions chapter for more information.
To edit a template:
Navigate to the template issue you would like to edit and click the template’s issue key.
Click Edit and update your chosen fields.
Click Update at the bottom of the page to save the changes.
Changes are applied to the template.
Changes won’t be applied to issues previously created using the edited template.
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