App page
Issue Templates for Jira
Cloud Server/Data Center
Issue Templates for Jira


Server/Data Center

Release notes
Migration to Cloud
Last updated Jul 27, 2023

Create and use templates

You will learn here how to create and configure your templates in order to use them efficiently for creating repetitive tasks in Jira.

Create and configure a template

A template is a pattern that will allow you to create similar issues with no need to create new ones from scratch. Such a template will automatically fill fields in a newly created issue when selected by a user.

There are no limitations according to template’s structure or complexity level. Issue Templates for Jira app copies Epics, Sub-tasks and Initiatives. You can even copy issue links and create new issues from linked templates.

For details, navigate to Template Configuration.


  1. To create a template go to the Templates repository and simply create an issue there.
  2. You can then further configure the template and decide whether it’s available to users, if it should copy sub-tasks, or to be used as a secondary template, and many other options.

See chapters about Static and Dynamic variables to find out more.

Create issue from template

To create an issue from a template you need to use a dedicated Create from template button.


  1. Click Apps in the Jira top navigation and Create from template in the dropdown dialog.
  2. Select a project, issue type for the new issue that will be created, and a template.
  3. The app will open the Create issue dialog with auto-completed fields from the template.
  4. After you click Create, the template will also generate other issues (including sub-tasks, links) based on your template structure.

For details, see create from template.

Apply template to existing issue

Apart from creating new issues from templates, you can also apply a template to an existing issue. In the issue view go to the Actions menu and click Apply template.


Applying a template overwrites fields in the issue with values taken from the template.

For details, see Apply template.