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Corporate Social Responsibility by Deviniti

CSR activities are important to us. We implement our corporate social responsibility strategy, which operates under the slogan Deviniti Cares, throughout the year.

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CSR in Deviniti

We base our CSR strategy on four foundations.

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Green CSR

Educational workshops, information campaigns, the rules of ecological office management.

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Employee voluntary service

Employee participation in initiatives of non-governmental organizations as well as nationwide social and charity actions & employee-initiated projects.

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Meetings with mental health specialists, blood donation events, information campaigns, private health care of employees.

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Charity activities

Charity donations, support for non-governmental organizations and local social initiatives.

As part of Deviniti Cares, we want to focus on helping according to our values

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Trust: we create a company that cares about the environment and other people. A company you can trust and be sure that its projects are ethical.


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Freedom: both employees and customers choose what they want. We are different as people, and that’s OK. Our projects are free from politics, religion, private opinions.

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Joint responsibility: we build commitment and social responsibility. We put the decision-making in the hands of the people.

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Teamwork: helping together integrates. Together we can do more.

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Work with passion: creative forms of charity activities.

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Partnership: we are partners for non-governmental organizations that support nationwide foundations and local projects.

Help is what counts

CSR activities in 2022
placed hives for bees
% Mindgram platform funding for employee mental health
families in need received support from us at the end of 2022


See how we help

our favourite missions

Cosmic joy of helping

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    Donations to the Las Na Zawsze foundation and tree-planting by our employees

    During the Jira Day Remote Edition 2021, we promised to plant 1 square meter for each participant taking an active part in the lectures. We made a donation to the Las na Zawsze foundation, and with the help of our employees, we planted 3,000 square meters of a completely new forest.

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    Construction of nesting boxes for birds

    We provide shelter to bird neighbors that live in the green areas around the Deviniti office located near the South Park in Wrocław. Our employees built and installed nesting boxes for the birds in the vicinity.

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    Adoption of red pandas from the Wrocław ZOO

    Red pandas are an endangered species on the IUCN red list. The number of pandas mainly inhabiting southern China and India continues to decline. The Wrocław Zoo decided to give them a new home, and we symbolically adopted the entire species, supporting the care of small pandas in the zoo. We believe that our help will contribute to the protection of the species.

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    We are a technological partner of Bieg Firmowy (the Company Run)

    We have been running since the first edition of Bieg Firmowy, and for four years, we have had the status of the Technological Partner of the initiative. It is a permanent element of our company’s calendar, and the representation of Deviniti employees in the run is really large! We’ve also built an entire website from scratch for user registration, team management, t-shirt design, and more.